I just played it and I think it’s absolute dogshit. Generally I lost 50% of my squad after 10s from spawning.
Tanks are annoying to use and planes as always pounder everybody.
Funnily enough, that’s basically proper historical hurtgen forest experience.
Just swap planes for artillery.
The map is extremely open, mindlessly charge forward - - - > die
As RO2 veteran, I find these maps a real snack.
Huge open area with enough space to flank, sneak behind and destroy rallies.
Actual trenches, fortifications and underground shelter against artillery so 1 debile spamming rockets finally cant clear the entire objective all by himself.
Generally long range combat, but it can turn into brutal CQC in an eyes blink.
Huge thrill and I really love it, might become my new favorite.
I also really really like the customization the campaign offers, my squads look fire🔥
Sounds like fun, i would be guessing, it set in the snow time?
don’t play snow maps, hurts me eyes
would be fun to bring me Owen squad with, there shorts to a snow map. hehe
half-snowtime lmao
Then maybe I just need to learn the map.
i played several time the maps, and there are a few key aspects:
- astethically it’s alright.
gameplay side, very situational.
and my primarily gripes are:
- it’s supposedly based on a forest
yet, the forest it self it’s… scarce.
perhaps it has to do with frames and optimization.
but… doesn’t really feel like a forest
heck, you play in a forest something like, 30% of every match unless you’re in conquest
and then
- urban parts
the urban parts are cool. but it’s like laperelle village.
more of a hamlet than anything.
and yeah, planes dominates.
good luck if you don’t have a plane your self.
because even if you have engies, it’s hard to find an open area that that is leveled enough to be able to place an AA.
which it’s still a flak 36.
despite being quad flaks around the map:
but do not work as they are broken.
imo, those should be accessible both by axis and allies players.
generally, it’s one of those map where you need smokes regarldess to get anywhere.
one could say were designed for apcs.
except even then, climb rates of those things are a bit broken right now.
can’t wait to get the murican m3 with the m2 on top though.
To be honest, it’s a lot of fun.
It’s certainly an intense map where it’s easy to die, but the matches are very heated every time. This may also be due to the fact that it has just been released and there are many players.
I’ve been playing the game continuously since the update and got sick.
I only played it once as the game just doesn’t want to send me there.
The one thing that stood out is that I can stay 100 km away with my King Tiger and just maul attacking American infantry and tanks on the second objective
And aesthetically I really don’t understand why the trees are so bright when it’s snowing already?

Idk about your region but from where I come from snow falls when it’s already well into autumn and the trees except evergreens have lost their leaves
Comparing it to Bulge maps in other games and media:

These look like the Bulge to me, while Enlisted looks like a mix of Normandy and Quarry assets with weird neon green trees.
It’s an issue that’s been raised before, mostly arising with the normandy maps, and sadly seems like it’ll never be changed. Maps are way too oversaturated and brightly colored. If they toned down the colors it’d go a long way to make the game more aesthetically pleasing and in line with the darkness and depressive atmopshere of WW2.
Agree with the aesthetics issue, and that can be said about MANY maps cough sunny D-Day
But genuine question, why advertise that you camp greyzone with a KT? Like, at least get in the fight man. You’re knowingly, as a veteran of this community, being scummy and making the game shit for the enemy.
Idk, I always get at least near the objective in my tanks so that in the event I die my wreck can be used as cover for my infantry dudes…
Forgive my shamefur dispray, sensei.
It was my first (and last so far) Ardennes game and I felt like KT’ing.
My Afrika Korps Pz III J charging Soviets like
@Veekay45 we all get that Big Cat in us sometimes
at least some filter would be nice.
It looks like moscow copy paste.
Hürtgen is very dense and dark forest and has hills, deep valleys.
Not some typical east european map
if nobody would tell me i would bet it’s maiski forest right here, the one place you have to cross a river.
I think this is the best sized map for now.
I’ve had enough of crowded Omaha Beach and French towns.
This map has the dimensions of a war game, not like cod.