I am on ps5, I checked out a conquest Berlin mod today, no idea of name (as no description yet), but essentially a bigger scale 3 point conquest, it was pretty good, but I could not change to first person at all?
But not the point, there were three new vehicles, a Skdz half-track, Some form of Soviet Bofors truck too and what looked like a big Kubelwagen, these had different guns to the one in the base game.
What are these vehicles anybody know?
Also if anyone knows how to change to first person view in these mods, is there another control mapping, if so where?
I would hope these vehicles come to the base game at some point, they look ready, sounds are not right though…
They are in the game from the moscow alpha, sdfk was used in normandy alpha, idk wen they are re-added in the base game, another example is the kv2 present in the game but never used
So we can see keofox dint lie wen he sayed more veichle are coming, hoping they can be used by engi squad, unlocking an as-42 after a tiger is not a good choice and useful expecially for f2p
Well they are in WIP you can se this from the texture, at least im glad for see them this mean they are planning something outiside the classic gameplay
Thank You, yes swedish (don’t know it was swedish) truck, as for map mod, on console I have no idea what it is called, but it is Berlin, the author needs to know the M8 tank is bugged in Third Person, I can’t do this myself as on PS5