What are the good premium options for BR II or III

What do you guys think are the best options for BR II or III for premium ? I have been thinking about taking one of the following but im open to suggestions. I dont plan to play above BR III so thats why i dont want to pick up any high BR squads.

Armored APC : Looks cool and would let me run 3 infantry along it, im mostly thinking about the German or Japanese one due to the looks.

SVD-30 Squad for the semi auto BR II snipers & the fancy Katyusha strike.

Maybe a Medic or Assault squad up to BR III, as that or the LMGs what i like the most.


For mE

1.APC are the most wort prem squads of all
And anothers squads
Depends on factions, but these are my favorites

Dicker Max(Germany, BR3)
46 Jager regiment= Erma EMP (Axis, BR2)
212 Infantry regiment PPD44 (Soviet, BR3)
79 Gvard Divition (Soviet, Mosin M44L BR1)
16 Infantrt Gvard (soviet, SVD30, BR2)
Churchill (BR3 Allies)
Matilda (better armor), M24(better cannon) or ACI(the best Mounted tank Machine gun of all the game) (BR2 ALLIES)
Winchester G30M (BR2 allies)
CHI-HE (Japan BR2)

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Honestly, these might be the most interesting squads to get if you want to buy them to grind the XP/silver.

APC is a squad you probably want to use anyway because of how useful it is in game. Furthermore, this is the only premium squad which can change BR, from II to V by swapping their weapons (except soviet paras). You get multiple specialists in them and the squad is overall very versatile. The downside is that they don’t have fancy unique weapons and you still have to pay some silver to equip them to your liking.

As for other squads, I can recommend both M24 (USA) and Pz III M (Germany) at BR2. M24 is fast and gets a decent guns, but it is quite similar to tech tree Crusader (Fast, hard hitting but very frail). Pz III M is basically a III J1 with upgraded armor. This one is actually quite tanky at its BR, and the gun is really good against tanks. Pz III N might be better if you want to kill infantry but the III M is a quite good all around.

These are the only premium squads I personally own, so I cannot say more about anything else


Yak 9K lul
I’m kinda thinking about getting the 190 D-9 too
Most non-vehicle infantry squads are still awful…at least they added some engineers to them finally, but still

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And to think I respected you. Lol

Well, personally I use my Panzer 4G Stalingrad and a Marder 3H in br3
On br2, marder 3 and panzer 38t, i really dont use dicker max as a main pick
. These are somewhat general recommendations, except for the A.C.I., that one is completely personal.

My favourite premium squad, BRII at least, is the Soviet Medic squad. I can’t remember the name of it, but it’s the one with women in it. 3 medics and an engineer. It’s so good it feels overpowered in BRII. They’re bleddy awesome, and well worth the gold.

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Best premium APCs in my opinion

  1. M3A1 halftrack (USSR)
  2. Sd.Kfz251/1 (GER)
  3. Ho-Ha (JAP)
  4. LVT-4 (US)

However, some people would rank LVT-4 as number 1. They argue that it has powerful guns and high armor.

However, I get around the same amount of kills from my bots shooting out of the APC with their personal weapons compared to the mounted MGs on the LVT-4. In addition, if any tank has 75mm cannons, which is practically every tank in BR2+, they will one shot it. This is even worse considering the fact that the LVT-4 is slower than most tanks, so tanks will be easily able to shoot it compared to the Studebaker, which is the fastest tech tree APC in the game.

Though it does protect your soldiers from small arms fire… It doesn’t protect the head however.


I wouldn’t normally buy any Premium Squads (Premium Account + EBP + Gold to upgrade squads quicker is more than enough cash to spend on a single game), but… in the last sale I decided to get the Soviet APC (M3A1) and I’m really happy with it.
It’s super useful to have 2x APC’s because often you’ll drive the 1st one straight into a tank’s line of fire, so you can immediately respawn in the 2nd APC and drive somewhere safer. It’s superior to trying to use engineers to build spawn points, and players can spawn in it while you’re still moving, so even if it does eventually get spotted by a tank you are likely to have dropped-off a few guys along the way.
I don’t personally see the sense in buying Premium tanks because the ones in the normal research tree are perfectly good (and a lot of Premium stuff is just ridiculously overpriced - even in the sale).
But also…
If I hadn’t already unlocked all the BR5 weapons, I would definitely buy the German STG 45(M) squad (love the SS camo gear as well!) or the Soviet AS-44 squad. The only down-side to these squads is that they can’t get the Vitality perk, so if you’re anywhere near unlocking higher-BR weapons and you already have Assaulters with Vitality you can use, then I’d recommend being patient and waiting until you’ve unlocked the normal BR5 weapons. You don’t even need to unlock those specific BR5 weapons either - for Germany, the Kiraly is still really damn good and a good temporary SMG until you unlock the first Mkb immediately after it. It’s also kinda a matter of personal taste (I just love STG’s, but I recognise that the Kiraly may be prefered by some due to its higher ROF). For the Soviets, the Federov is actually much harder hitting than the AS-44, but also their whole rangle of SMG’s are just awesome bullet-hoses. You can even use the BR3 PPSh-41 which is insanely accurate at short range, but just has a smaller mag.
My final recommendation if you’re looking to spend money in the game is this -
Premium Account, Elite Battlepass, and Gold Order Weapons (Germany & Soviets).
Unfortunately the USA faction has only 1 decent GO weapon (T20 rifle) but Germany and Soviets have a few great choices.
Germany - Mkb, Conders.
Soviets - Shpitalny (more accurate than PPD34/38 or PPSh), Silenced ‘Bramit’ ? PPD, and that weird pistol SMG thing with no BR limit.

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I agree, LVT-4 is a bit overrated. IMHO it’s biggest cons is the huge size. It’s damn hard to hide it properly. If only event Universal carrier had the radioman I’d play it over LVT-4.

And I agree ofc with the opinions here, if you start your enlisted gaming and going to buy only 1 premium, then APC is a must buy.

Also another advantage of APC’s, not mentioned here before, is that all of them have got attached plane lead indicator. So you can protect yourself on your way and shoot down the plane.

Also those are APC’s not IFV’s (infantry fighting vehicles), so if you’re going to fight infantry a bit (before parking it and gaining premium points from the spawns) Japanese apc has got the weakest mg here.


I personally bought up every damn assaulter or medic squads for level one, two and three for all factions. I also bought a couple years ago all the APC squads including the LVT-4. I haven’t bought much Japanese since for the most part don’t play with them.

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  1. APCs for all factions because they are super useful and allow you to have one per each BR preset. E.g. SdKfz 7 for BR 2-3 and SdKfz 251 for BR 4-5 (without changing their weapons every time)

  2. German paratroopers with Beretta (if you don’t have the old event Italian paras squad) because para drop + sneaky rally can break a stalemate and help you win quite often

  3. Chi Ha because Japan low BR tanks are conveniently created as trash by DF and you can use that thing in BR2 as well

  4. Soviet female medics because unique, the only female squad besides that one old pilots squad

  5. USMC squad with Tommy guns because American low BR SMGs are not so good and with them you get access to Tommy gun boys


to be honest
I don’t recommend paying
Because you will find that 90% of the money and time you spend is just for you to be a nanny for a group of suicidal idiot foot soldiers.

As far as I know, the truck’s anti-aircraft indicator doesn’t protect them very well.
Because their anti-aircraft capabilities and machine gun angles are as bad as DF’s growing environment.
But I like to lie down in the amphibious transport vehicle with my saber and wait for the enemy to respawn.

“Suicidal idiot foot soldiers” may not know that, you can get the better anti aircraft angle just using the terrain. Saber? so you’re participating in the events provided by the “bad DF’s growing enviroment” :smiley:

If this behavior was really effective or simple then they should be more common
At least in this year, I have not seen trucks engaging in active air defense more than 10 times.

Have you ever seen a Japanese katana sword?
You can buy these as good as sabers in Japan for silver coins
in addition
There was still a lot of saber activity in the old days when it wasn’t that bad

If you don’t have enough thinking or association skills, maybe you can use a better tone to ask the question.
Instead of treating inefficient and high-risk solutions or long-term event prizes as irony
It makes you look stupid and illogical

Shin gunto isn’t a saber or katana, it’s a sword. Katana and sabers are event weapons only afaik.

From few your posts that I saw, calling people idiots seems to be your normal way of communication, so I’m not surprised or even offened :smiley:

Keep trying please :smiley:
Thanks in advance.

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I don’t usually call people idiots
Unless they are so stupid that they can’t even reflect on themselves and always like to blame the problem on the enemies and game mechanics and don’t know how to respect other players.
After I have been in this forum and the game for a long enough time, I found that many people fit this title very well.
Because their IQ is not only insufficient for them to learn to use terrain and equipment to protect themselves,
Also likes to call people who kill them spam and low-skilled
There is nothing more suitable for this title than these selfish and stupid guys.

At least in the Chinese translation, it’s called (Type 95 Saber) and it’s a (Samurai Sword) itself.
So I think there is no problem with these two titles.
If the education you received only allowed you to learn how to interpret a thing in Chinese and Western terms, maybe you should try to re-read compulsory education.



likely the best & most honest guide on premium squads:

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