What are the cooling towers on Power plant for?

I have to wonder about the cooling towers as I never did place two and two together until a friend asked “why are cooling towers in WW2, Shouldn’t there be no nuclear power planets yet?”

Tldr cooling towers are used when a powerplant doesn’t have a good acces to water (like a river or a lake). They allow to condensate the steam from turbines into water needed to produce steam again.

Wiki says they originate from 19th century so it is possible to see them on 20th century powerplant. Though hard to tell if this particular powerplant had cooling towers. I don’t recall if there are any major water sources on the map.

There is a lake and a small pond on the map iirc

Then in theory they should use water from the lake (especially since there were not many eco activists around at that time to stop them).

Though I guess devs used some photos as a reference when creating the map.

They are a 19th century invention originally ised to help condense water from steam engines - eg the sort of engines that might drive a large stationary generating plant!

Nuclear plants are more common now than then, and that is why they are associated with them - but they are still used in many places for non-nuclear powerplant cooling.

Eg this one in New Zealand at a geothermal power station:

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there even are some tubes going for the water

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Huh, Learn something new every day, Thanks lads!

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