What are the best premium squads to get before the merge?

I dont have them, so all I know is they have Suomi smgs (finnish SMGS), and look pretty cool. They might be Finnish Volunteers that trained in Germany as Jagers, But I dont know if there has been that much attention to detail. I assume the soldiers still have German voice overs

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The “Fuck Wad” (Farquhar) rifle will fit nicely too


Yeah same for me.

Nice :joy:
I want it but it’s pretty pricey. Which sucks because it’s the only thing that seems to reliably hit KVs.

Really cool squad, but depending on if you only want performance, it’s not gonna do anything the MP717 can’t do.

Very versatile squad, 10/10


Yep, it has the Suomi KP31 SMG which is what the PPSh is based on (if you didn’t already know). The squad itself is German.

So it’s basically just a cooler looking PPSh.


Thanks. I like varied nationalities of squad members. Other wise I would’ve gotten it.

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Im just about the coolness/variety/history mostly. I just like to recreate Squads and equipment from all nationalites

As for performance, the beauty of Enlisted and low TTK is pretty much everything performs.

“Give me a tuba and I’ll get you something out of it.” :stuck_out_tongue:


In that case, you’ll probably like it. I always like squads with unique uniforms. And even if the Suomi behaves like a PPSh, can you really go wrong with five of them?

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This squad right here officer


Always wait for a sale.

Simply put, whatever gets you the most xp, so 9 man squads are always good choices but vehicles with good splash damage will always take the cake in terms of xp gain. Regardless of the mm, splash damage vehicles will always be useful so long as they don’t get instantly exploded by a plane or enemy tank. I’d suggest getting whatever is most easy to use in the test room, short 75mm for the Germans is great, avoid the Matilda and valentine as the 40mm sucks that bad.

Avoid planes for the most part unless you enjoy them as you can spend a whole game just fishing for good bombing runs or blasting pesty attackers out of the sky.

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I’ve waited for premium aircraft, got War Thunder for that, until recently. I got 6 aircraft on my buy list for next discount.

3 out of 6 have 2x 20mm cannons and either 2x 13mm or 2x 12.7mm.
The cannons are all MG 151’s, exactly the same (even ammo belts, but different ammo pool) and the mg’s are from their respective nations German/Italy/Japan. I have…issues.

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