What about siege of Budapest?

So there is like only 2 discussion on this from like 2021 (could be wrong but the thing only show 2 for me when i create this) and tbh i didnt even know it a thing. Would this battle be another berlin 2.0 or something unique?


I would see the battle of Baltic map instead until now just steel division 2 covered it

What you mean by “Battle of Baltic”?
Something related to finns? Or to siege of Leningrad? Or to baltic states during 1941? Or 1944-1945?

Or just anything related to something from this?

And you shoul be the one knowing russian operations in ww2

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So it was as one of my option above.

Siege of Budapest and Budapest offensive is extremely underrated.
It’s mostly untouched in videogames and films because the siege is popularised in far right culture. Both the population and Axis troops defended the city with full devotion against the numerical superior Soviets and the turncoat Romanians. Any allied hope for a quick victory was shattered as all frontal assaults failed, they were forced to encircle and siege the city until the defenders ran out of bullets at which point they were forced to surrender except for a few brave men that escaped in the breakout.
Stalin was so enraged by the pyhric victory that he declared Hungarians to be Hitler’s last dogs and had many of them taken away to Siberian work camps, the worst fate possible in the 20th century.

The fighting in city cost thousands of civilian lives as well as tens of thousands of soldiers.
Worse still many refugees, jews (many of whom were shot) and foster children were taking refuge in city and had no where to go. Humanitarian aid only came from the red cross and the SS that even saved hundreds of foster children.

The Budapest offensive paints the reality of WW2: a nation’s hope for freedom shattered by foreign invasion, genocide and war crimes by both sides, massive civilian casualties, homes workplaces and heritage sites destroyed by bombing and artillery. There were no good or evil, just people trying survive and protect their homes.
Not a popular topic nowdays, people rather see Captain America or other BS where someone comes to save the world.

The breakout is still remembered, every year on February 11 thousands of people hike through the path once used by the soldiers that protected the city.


HOI4 memes have nothing to do with HOI4 anymore :rofl: