Why aren’t the wfr.gr.21 rockets available in 3 batteries in the game? They could be built under a relatively large number of aircraft. Or the me410 with its 6 launcher in the front. That takes a sensible update.
bombs require skill, rockets just nuke everything, maybe thats why there are not as many around.
meanwhile allies : p-47(HVAR)/P-47(M8)(EVENT)/P-38G(M8)/A-20G-25(Tunisia if you got it you got it if you didnt then its removed)(M8)/P-38J-15(M8)/AP-4C(HVAR)/Beaufighter MKX(RP-3)/FP-5(HVARS)(EVENT)
All have 6 or more rockets and in case of the A-20G-25 from Tunisia 12 (the only one with 4 rockets might be FP-5 i havent played that squad like in forever so I dont know about it)
It does feel fair doesent it
rockets are much harder to aim with than bombs. rocket planes are higher skill level than bombing ones.
the main reason ppl think otherwise is “muh p47 OP” but thats not due to rockets itself, but the dummy thicc number of rockets on that plane that makes aiming unnecessary.
AFAIK, that was a field modification test, but it didn’t work because the rear blast of the rockets heavily damaged the fuselage.
True but seeing we have Ho-ri which didn’t go beyond maybe a single one built (and that’s model 2 not the 3 that we have in game) this seems pretty reasonable also ME 410 could get 3 rockets under each wing while in game one has 2 maybe increase the rockets on each wing to 3
That’s a Hungarian Me 210 field moded to be like that. The Germans never used a triple mount wfr rocket setup, and there are no Me 210 flight models in WT to steal so that’s unlikely to ever happen unless WT adds it’s own 210 first.
HVAR’s have a smaller HE radius, but more penetration. Literally the only thing that makes them just as and potentially more effective than the German one is how many there are. Gotta cluster them suckers
so it makes p47 not op? why literally noone calls beaufighter op plane, it has better rockets than thunderbolt. the reason is pretty simple, p47 - fighter jet, beaufighter - bomber jet
oh wow I didn’t know it existed
should have grinded Deadnisia more
Well we have to compromise if Hungarians were able to mount 3 on each wing Germans definitely could have done the same I don’t see any problem in adding one rocket under each wing for me 410 not like it’s gonna help that plane with wierd sights that it has
They have different advantages and aiming methods
To infantrymen who refuse to take cover, everything is a nuclear bomb.
It’s just because there are too many incompetent people crying
That’s why the officials did not release more rocket planes in order to take care of the mental state of certain groups.
He is equipped with M8 rockets that are difficult to penetrate the Tiger.
But he is a level 4 equipment
So it has almost no use value and almost no one uses it.
The 210 was an already dangerous aircraft to fly so the Hungarians didn’t really care about that extra risk. However, the 410 was a relatively safer aircraft, so the Germans put a bit more work into the safety around it’s operation, which meant no extra rocket. I can’t say exactly why because I’ve found sources claiming a multitude of different things from the weight destabilizing the airframe to the backblast wearing down the airframe to an unacceptable degree, but whatever the nuances of the case are, the Me 410 could never carry more than 4 rockets at a time, and as such WT never will add a model for the Me 410 with more than 4 rockets for this game to steal, which means our Me 410s will stay with the 4 rocket capacity forever.
Not necessarily enlisted devs model their own guns and definitely not steal it from WT and also they modeled flamethrower tanks from scratch since they weren’t in WT adding extra tube wouldn’t be a problem that they would require WT’s team help and even if it isn’t historically accurate it is still something that I thing should be done for balance.
Can you say that the Tokyo arsenal in game is historically accurate when there was only 2 of them (one model 1927 and the other model 1928) and IINM both broke during testing, anyhow the point is the game is not historically accurate and so that argument is out of the Window and about modeling yeah there is problem but I don’t think devs are that lazy to not add extra tube otherwise there is panzerblitz for FW - 190 F8 which could be used and there is also RZ-65 which both are in WT
For tanks and guns yes, for planes they continue to only steal things from WT still. They were only able to add the F6F FP-5 with 4 HVARs because several updates before they added it, custom loadouts were introduced to the F6F. Custom loadouts have never been given to the F4U-1C AP-1, so the devs added it with all 8 HVARs. As such, all planes must have their modifications added to WT first.
The problem with PB2s is they are tiny and from their WT performance, will only preform slightly better than the ROS-82 on the Russian Hurricane. I’m not completely opposed to adding the F-8, however my problem is that it won’t sate anyone and people will just go back to the forums and cry about imbalance again, except now there is a useless plane that clutters up the grind even more. And don’t even get me started on the RZ-65s because I’ve done that song and dance far too many times.
War thunder player
Terrible mindset. This is a WWII shooter. I like WWII in my WWII shooter. Not fantasy for the sake of “muh balance”
Didn’t Enlisted actually remake tons of plane cockpits on their own?
Beaufigter was missing a proper cockpit since forever in WT
Stuka also seems to have gotten a different cockpit for some models