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Not really, those “premium tank” that was added into the tech tree was already regular unlock in certain campaign.

This! Just completely ruins the experience for me as well.

The green amoeba camo for the Soviets in Berlin cries in vain.

Exactly! There are way too many in-game mechanic abuses at the moment. Deserters are deserting for a reason.


As for me, first of all, searching for the game based on win ratio because most of the players on the public are noobs, 2nd thing frequent events with medals not a new squad :slight_smile:

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Strange requirement, since WRs can be so easily manipulated through desertion.

if there will be penalties for desertion, e.g. as a loss from the machine, then people will have in mind to play the match, besides, it’s about a new ranked mod, not just looking for a game

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Is a new ranked mode planned? I missed that.

In that case, it would make sense.

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I literally hit enemies with Calliope rockets and HE shells over 5 times and they haven’t died, only my hull mg managed to kill one of them. Gotta download that replay it’s infuriating and people wants to remove greyzone and make our tanks even more useless with ghost shells happening all the time.


Is it planned? I don’t know, it’s just my suggestion, I hope so.

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I have collected some reasons for players who left midway and deliberately engaged in passive combat behavior (besides the reasons that are always mentioned):

  1. There are players in their own camp that they hate
  2. There are IDs composed of words/languages ​​that they hate in their own camp
  3. Failed to grab a tank at the beginning
  4. Failed to grab a plane after the plane countdown limit at the beginning
  5. When using a plane or tank, teammates are unwilling to continuously mark, but you do not mark (especially for planes, marking operation is quite easy), resulting in no action
  6. Blindly hit with a tank to no avail, and then destroyed by the opponent many times
  7. Using a plane or tank, after being deployed into the trench for a long time/many times, being killed, and having no results
  8. The network of players in Australia, Southeast Asia, India, Central and South Africa, and South America is intermittently interrupted.
  9. Teammates are strong, and you can’t get many fish that slip through the net
  10. Want to find video/picture materials, only willing to play the role of the audience, not the role of the player.
  11. Antisocial
  12. Psychopathy
  13. Just want to deliberately complete specific tasks, achievements, and activity tasks quickly, but choose to leave when the player’s ability is insufficient.
  14. When there are too many console players on your side
  15. When there are too many PC players on your side/opponent side
  16. When there are too many types of players that your side/opponent side hates
  17. Someone on your side keeps repeating “Please mark! Please respawn point! Please ammo box!”
  18. Too many teammates on your side camp at the same time
  19. Too many players on your side do nothing (compared with the opponent’s camp)
  20. In difficult situations, teammates who do nothing still occupy planes, tanks, act as spectators, or continue to provide gaming experience for the opponent.
  21. Use br1/br3 weapons and equipment in BR3/BR5 rooms and rank at the top, while your BR3/BR5 teammates are very weak.
  22. You/the opponent have a familiar 4-person/8-person team
  23. You/the opponent have more/fewer people
  24. Being deliberately hit by other players’ vehicles
  25. Being injured by your own players’ TK
  26. Your own players build barbed wire and sandbags to block your way
  27. Our players deliberately built a point that would block the AI ​​soldiers’ respawn points (such as attics)
  28. A few of our players have nickname decorations
  29. Our players stole their own tanks (this function is enabled, but it does not work)
  30. Our players occupied/blocked the AT, machine gun bunkers, and anti-aircraft guns they built
  31. Our players will not deploy the battle line to the left and right wings
  32. Our players built too few respawn points
  33. Encountered BUGs, such as respawning in a wall
  34. In order to deliberately improve their win rate data, quit when they might fail
  35. Cheaters were kicked out (yes, multiple cases show that cheaters will only be sanctioned in the next battle after being confirmed)
  36. Others

Actually will the Q&A be a post or video? I guess it will be a post since it easier

Please fix directx 12 and streaming texture and frame generation

@Judge_Dread81908 English is the allowed language on the forum, please repeat what you have to say in English not french

Good morning,

My question may not be asked in the right post but I would like to know if it is planned to protect the main respawn zone when playing assault and invasion games (for example on a map like THE MAYSKIY FORESTRY)?

I’m not very good at this game but when the objective is (very well) defended by the other team, the game can quickly turn into hell.

The map often allows defenders to take a position that is far too advantageous in the attackers’ respawn zone.

Our spawn point was literally a graveyard for our own tanks.

There is no protection against mortars or bombers which directly target our infantry as soon as they appear.

I have experienced this several times on certain maps in the game and I find that it really harms the balancing.

When I play a rifle or assault squad in general and I am a defender I understand that I cannot reappear directly at the start of the game on the site to be defended.
But when I start a game with a sapper squad, does the game make me appear 200m from the fortified zone?
I never get there before the fighting starts and the fortification becomes complicated.

Is it possible to extend the starting zones for each map?
If both sides start further from the objective and it is not possible for them to pick up the players in their respective spawn zones, this will make the games more comfortable.
There would then be more opportunity for both sides with more entry points to attack and defend. The reappearance points would also be better highlighted.

Could you increase the experience gained when players place spawn points?
This would perhaps motivate people to play as a team if they earn more by being more active for their team!

Thank you for your response and sorry for the quality of my google trad ^^

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There are much better ways to manipulate win ratios than Deserting an occasional match.

But yes I agree, I don’t know why we’d ever need this search feature… definitely the most odd request I’ve seen in these Q&A threads.

That wasn’t my point.

Did you, or did you not, say that the suggestion was “strange” because of an ability to manipulate win ratios via desertion - in this very statement:

“since WRs can be so easily manipulated through desertion.”

So yes, the relationship between win ratios and desertion was part of your point. So yes, me bringing up the relationship between win ratios and desertion was a valid response.

My point was this. :point_up_2: It doesn’t matter how you can achieve it.

I mentioned desertion because it is a glaring flaw in the current system and needs to be pointed out.

I really don’t care if you’re manipulating WRs by playing in the stack or otherwise. My point wasn’t about which way is better. Which can be very subjective anyway.

and if you miss it, it’s not actually FOMO because you’d be able to try again next event

The next event, which won’t come for another 7 months? I honestly am struggling to see one way in which this is makes the FOMO events better, from a player’s point of view, as all it does is:
1 - Makes it so there’s something else new players miss out on if they join after the event.
2 - Takes up Event reward slots that are already in increasing demand with each new mechanic they add.
3 - Makes it so you can’t even skip a single day of an event and still get all rewards.

I appreciate you’re just coming up with suggestions to add something new and interesting, but I think it should steer clear of the Events, or just be a normal Reinforcement Received event. Otherwise, the game just becomes even more of a FOMO-Event slog than it already is.