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this discussion is worthless, you dont understand the topic or mechanisms at hand and strawman instead of contributing to the overall enlisted improvement goal, we simply better stop.

Wanted to end it here aswell as it is quiet late too already.

Staying in the gray area, very far away, sounds more like disregarding the life and death of teammates for the sake of scores.Additionally, in the gray area, you only need to worry about the aircraft and the tanks in front, which is clearly unfair.
If you really want to win, hitting key kills in a short period of time is much more effective than slowly killing more enemies in the gray area.


Aka Enlisted.

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The best solution to the punishment of deserters is to allow the remaining players to receive more rewards, for example, as the number of deserters among teammates increases, the remaining players will receive more rewards.
Additionally, I believe we need a ā€œsurrenderā€ option,both partiesā€™ bonus cards will not take effect after the vote is passed and will be settled according to normal rewards, allowing players to end games they do not want to play early without harming the profits of both parties. This is also a solution.


So what are these ā€˜Combat eventsā€ you guys speak of on the road map?

I am fine with the game allowing grey zone camping. I just want a meaningful mechanism to counter grey zone camping.

Iā€™ve posted several suggestions on the matter like making the paratrooper class immune to the grey zone so that they can perform an infiltration mission. Or, assuming they dont want to modify an existing class, add a Commando/Raider class to handle the ā€œbehind enemy linesā€ missions. A Commando squad could be very interesting. Keep the max squad size to 3 or 4 but leave NO RESTRICTIONS on what they can carry with them. Coupled with the idea for Commandos was an idea that event prizes be individual soldiers; hold one Event that offers a Commando squad with one soldier in it; make that same squad available as a Premium for people who miss the event. Disable the Enlisted button for Commandos. In subsequent events, the prize for ā€œtotal completionā€ of all event tasks becomes enlistment of a Commando of a particular nationality. Build your squad, give them equipment, and blow sh*t up.

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Your idea for fixing grey zone camping, is to make the FOMO events worse by only giving one soldier at a time, instead of the squad or squads we currently get?

Screw that, Iā€™d take the tanks grey zone camping any day of the week. At least I wouldnā€™t be forced to play every other day for 2 weeks just to kill them.


honestly i dont see grey zone campers in 25% of my matches and i play a lot the game in all BRs, also, we have AT cannons to counter them (only german one is good but we getting better ones) and we have planes, also a tank can kill another, and we have bazookas and panzerfausts, if you dont have the equipment to counter it, either you shoulā€™ve prepared your squad, or you got uptiered, in that case IS THE GAMEā€™S FAULTā€™, not the grey zoner


I donā€™t necessarily think this is a bug I think itā€™s more of a symptom of changing how things work. Because this was introduced when they added supply dropped ammo boxes. Something within that messed up how they do it so they need to do an overhaul versus fixing a bug. And the best thing I can think of is remove supply drops from the artillery section and put it in its own dedicated area under artillery within the wheel.

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The current events have grand prizes which you typically earn at 6/9 or 7/10 and then after achieving, the prizes for 8, 9, and 10 are usually just more orders. Iā€™m saying that every event could have a Commando soldier out at 10/10 so that if you play all the way through an event, you get a Special Forces soldier for a particular country. You donā€™t have to play it out that far if you donā€™t want to or you only have to do it as many times as you need to fill out your squad.

The proposed event squad (with only one Commando) would probably need to be a ā€œcheapā€ FOMO prize. 3/9 gets you the Squad or something along those lines. Their main advantage is they are immune from all grey zone dynamics.

That seems oddly pessimistic. I would assume that if a ā€œCommandoā€ class were added in the way I suggest, it would make sense to have an additional soldier available for ā€œcheapā€ to make it a squad of 2. Then, to get to 3 or 4 or 5, youā€™d have to play an event to completion to unlock the third, fourth, or fifth soldier in the squad.

You just made me think of something, They want a group players with one another and reduce the number of bots, but by introducing choosing your own maps youā€™re going to have a divided player base, Some players may prefer one map over another with a particular faction and thatā€™ll happen between each of the factions. This will lead to certain maps being almost entirely deserted at times easily creating legitimate bot farms.

Iā€™m saying that every event could have a Commando soldier out at 10/10 so that if you play all the way through an event, you get a Special Forces soldier for a particular country.

I mean, yeah thatā€™s better than what I thought you meant, but it also means again FOMO Events get worse as you would no longer be able to skip a few days and get all rewards, like you currently can. Youā€™d have to get everything all done. For a 1 or 2-week event sure thatā€™s not a problem for most players, for a month-long one like the current one, thatā€™s terrible. What if your internet goes down for a day or twoā€¦ thats it, you just canā€™t get that Commando you wanted until 3 more of the already rare Reinforcement Received events happen? By the way, completely unrelated but they havenā€™t even done a Paratrooper one in 7 months, already. ā€œIf youā€™re new, pff who cares, you donā€™t get to play with all the cool toys go awayā€ - Darkflow, probably.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I think a Commando-type class could work really well if implemented properly, but in this current form your suggesting, itā€™s basically just grabbing the FOMO Event Scumminess dial, and turning it up to 11.
Iā€™d rather they just add a full normal Commando squad and do the normal Reinforcements Received with itā€¦
Well no, Iā€™d rather they just made them always available to unlock, not in FOMO events, but we all know that wonā€™t happen, FOMO events work too well at forcing people to play and artificially boosting player numbers up. Anyway, Iā€™m ranting nowā€¦ so Iā€™ll just end my response here.

You should add Chi-Ha Kai to the tech tree. It would suck to gamble for it with lootboxes.


THIS!!! I have the same issue!


I disagree. I think the FOMO Events would get better by this, especially if it becomes a normal practice to have a Commando/Raider out at the end of the event after the grand prize is won. It becomes something to chase if you want to chase and if you miss it, itā€™s not actually FOMO because youā€™d be able to try again next event (if you choose to)

For the idea, I tried to come up with something different like earning the squad for doing an event but not having it filled out. As an example of my thinking, I donā€™t grind Germany. But I have a pretty good BR5 lineup with my Event Assault Engineers, Horn StG squad, an assault squad that I put 3 MKb42s in with gold soldiers, and a sniper squad with a gold sniper and a gold rifle.

It really was super easy to jump straight to Germany BR5 and I thought a Commando squad could be really powerful when maxed, so youā€™d want players to really have to earn it. Thatā€™s why I thought giving a Commando squad of 1 that you have to build (DF can put yhe additional Commando soldiers anywhere in the event that they like for all I care. If they were to implement then do an immediate event that awarded a second Commando without having to do a whole lot, thatā€™d still be cool)

premade vs premade
solo vs solo
Optimize player matching methods
A team of ten game, premade players disrupt the balance of one side

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and regular chi ha unlock as well , DW already has several vehicles that were only premium turn regular unlock, & the premium had a unique decals & camouflage besides the extra premium score


What I would look forward to most is increasing map boundaries and to justify this increasing players in the battle to 15v15. Custom games shows that itā€™s possible to have 50 people in a match with their squads. So even if 15ā€™s not obtainable Iā€™d settle for the map boundaries with 12.

As well as the opening of a Soviet versus Japan battlefield. Thatā€™ll mean so much more equipment going to the Japanese so they can properly fight the Soviets, The Soviets may get a few things theyā€™re missing as well, like the T-38 and Japanese equivalent in BR1. That would also bring new mechanics to the game like lightly armored machine gun tanks being able to float in water. Given enough time things like this can happen.

Canā€™t go wrong with any sort of silver bonuses as well.

I have another question.

When will the bolt cycling perk finally be fixed?

I find it very bizarre that for so long we have a perk that does absolutely nothing.