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Any news on team balance?
Today I experienced three matches between an Allied team with half of the marshals and a team with 30% of the trainees without rank.

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@MajorMcDonalds thanks for keeping us posted. You are doing some wonderful work as the community manager. Keep it up mate.


For me the biggest problem is still my own bots. They love to dance in front of me everytime when I try to shoot, or when I throw a granade, also they just do their best to die as soon as possible, standing proudly in the middle of artillery barage or standing right in the window



Then why all tanks have a zoom in gunner and commander optics ?

It looks like they were designed be used at a distance.


dont make the mistake of listening to the crylords who played the game for 2 weeks and demand muh desertion penalties.

instead tell them the 4 penalties already implemented in the game and how the REASONS for people leaving are addressed instead of the symptoms. the former leads to success and makes a game great, the latter leads to a game getting worse and worse over time due to inbred decision making.


Isnt that the whole joke of tanks?

As a new user, I love the great engagement this company has with the community. It looks like they really read the feedback and questions that players have. Take my money!

As a new user, I love the great engagement this company has with the community. It looks like they really read the feedback and questions that players have. Take my money!

I’d wait for a bit first. This is how it always goes; they say they’ll improve feedback and discuss with us more, do a few PR events, then it quickly falls through and we get radio silence again.

Hopefully this time will be different, maybe not, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Question: Is there any work or plans on fixing the dysfunctional hit registration? It’s getting worse and worse, I shoot (and am hit by) non-damaging ammo literally several times every battle. Here you can see a quick example from a battle half an hour ago, where the soldier survives 2 consecutive hits with HE tank shells.
I have reported this many times, I suppose the devs know about this issue well enough.
It’s getting unbearable to fight like this. I lost many objectives that normally I could defend with a single HE shot, just because most of the squad survived the blast and kept capturing.


You ignore the fact that not only tanks are consumed by the grey zone, but also snipers and mortarmen, who do their work well ONLY if they can stay at the safe distance, and not being pushed into the enemy fire. In Tunisia, Bulge or Moscow, the map often deletes useful players this way when they could help push the objective. For example, part of the Bulge objectives are literally made for sniper support but the grey zone pushes the soldiers downhill into the open when they could stay uphill and do their job as a valuable support, keeping the zone clear of enemies and cutting off their reinforcements running on the open field.


P40 my beloved.

In all seriousness I would love to see better integration of both Britain AND Italy, without resorting to Premiums or BP items to create competitive teams built around those nations.

In the long run I think integrating more “minor” nations into the main factions is a good way to grow the game. We have Hungary, Romania, and Finland for Axis and France as well as various Commonwealth nations that could join the fight.

I would love to see China as well, but they would have to stand alone so they could only fight Japan, and IDK if the Japan playerbase would support. I think, maybe we could add a China-Burma-India campaign to give more variety for those who play Japan, and that COULD make room for China. But, I digress.

What I’m really asking for is the opportunity to build complete Italian and British lineups, especially for new players who didn’t have access to the Tunisia campaign or those who sold off the excess squads.

I just wanted to add that I would love for the “minor” nations to be more of a thing and expand as much as possible.


I’ve been noticing this more and more.

So many times I hear what clearly sounds like a bullet hitting me… but I take no damage.
I know I’m not cheating (or am I :eyes: ) but I can only imagine the amount of false reports they’re getting right now because of this.

I also noticed that since a few days ago, games are taking much longer to end after the “Victory”/“Defeat” pops up.

There’s something up with their servers or something, and they’ve not said a single word about it.


I agree with your sentiment 100%. There are answers to every problem with good tactics. The problem is, a sizable portion of players just want to charge into battle and shoot things. I’m just trying to say this problem is complicated.

Ideally they’ll fix it so they can do that from outside of the grey zone

Punish/ban people for desertion and they will not desert but start team killing and pissing off others til the end of the game. But the marketingboys thought this through, and that we mean business…

I’d like to see my beloved Valentine added to the Allied tree too. Crazy that the Soviets had it before the Brits.

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There are many dev blogs already scheduled about the Silver economy changes outlined in the Plan, so it won’t be mentioned much in the Q&A. The original post itself mentions this.

The Q&A is mostly focusing on things that (honestly do) require more explanation, as well as on topics not mentioned in the Plan, for the maximum value for the community.


Any plans to fix or at least acknowledge recent artillery bug ?


FYI, as long as solo players like me keep getting matched against 4-man stacks, nothing is going to stop me from deserting short of an IP+hardware ban


Sure 2 weeks only… cope harder.
Funny when those 2 week only predate your time in enlisted.

While yes treating the reasons why people leave should be priority to be adressed the truth is that so far none on the topics defending desertion could ever come up with coherent solutions to address them outside of “just fix that” or that wouldnt need anothere merge level rework of the game to properly function.

Even worse is when people on the forum even brag about how they desert X amount of matches already for the stupidest of reasons and people cheering them on and encouraging this hostile player culture that is degrading the quality of each lobbyuntil you end up with classic tunisia again.