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Still waiting for the Summersale 2024 braaaaa´s


I don’t have a problem with tanks shooting from the rear. That makes perfect sense.

I have a problem with tanks shooting from the rear while using a game mechanic to protect themselves from reciprocity. This is a squad game. And tanks back in the greyzone gain added protection, through a poorly implemented game mechanic, from the primary unit type in the game. By all means, be in the back. But we should be able to go back there to get you with more than one way [air] to do so.


now imagine this: you have a defense and its you, other player and then theres 8 console players in your team vs a stacked sweaty enemy team, instead of deserting ill just close the game then


All they have to do is rig the same AI they have on the LVT’s gunport to them


we need a fix for the cosmetics, you chopped pacific allies full camo outfit in 2 parts, and deleted the pants

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choose not to use them
keep waiting


Im at a couple thousand also

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This is for fair game.
I am totally fine with tank stay far behind to support infantry. The key point here is to allow everyone can access grey zone, and the chance to fight back as infantry.


Any ideas about how to make Soviet Body armor interesting as a mechanic, rather than keeping it straight an unfair advantage?

Or perhaps even plans on a rework on HP and the vitality perk?


Maybe expanding battle borders, removing the grayzone as it were; would create vast empty space; idiots might just run around and not play the objective. Maybe add a few bot squads battling eachother on the flanks around the battle areas. Unpolished idea. I don’t mind that much some fker that found his sweetspot way back, but I want to be able to get to him.

My spidey senses tell me lootboxes will be overpriced and hard to get anything useful out of them.

Also telling me free exp to silver won’t be free, which is bull crap. Hopefully my spidey senses are wrong.

Also waiting for a major summer sale. Including discounts on premium hero soldiers. A man can dream.

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Better yet, I’d uninstall

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I really hope you (game’s leadership in general) are willing to back down on planned changes if people don’t want them.

For example, almost everyone who responded to the Q&A posts, have expressed a desire for no punishment for desertion.
After the Q&A is released and we know more info about how you plan to implement it, if people are still unhappy and don’t want it added, I really hope you guys will listen and not force it in to the game anyway.

Because there’s no point doing Q&As and announcing plans to the community, if you’re just going to ignore the final overall feedback anyway. If you’re going to do that, we might as well go back to the dark age where you (devs in general, not you as CM personally) never bothered telling us anything, considering we’d get no say in it either way. At least back then we could have hopium that you’d add something we actually wanted.

I get it. Gamers all have conflicting opinions, and tend to not really know what they want, and it’s hard to do something which pleases everyone. But I think a few things in there were pretty obviously disliked by most people.


I guess you want to punish deserters not for punishng’s sake, but rather as a means to deter derserting and keep matches full of real players. That won’t work because when people really want to quit they don’t give a shit to virtual punishment in a game. Or, if you make the punishment really severe, it’s not just some matches people are going to desert, they might desert the whole game and you lose the playerbase.

I can’t think of anything less effective than punishment to stop deserting, like it just doesn’t sound right. Playing is for fun, who plays to be un-punished?? You can never force anyone play without fun. It’s ridiculous.


Just because they didnt whine on this topic does not man that they dont exist.
Just look at the dedicated topic and those are a warzone.

It would be enough if desertion would no longer be the most optimal way to progress but playing.

Nobody wants bans for desertion but something that would stop people from deserting as soon as they meet ressistance as the optimal way to grind and similar.
At the moment the game kinda encourages you to try again until everything is in your favor.

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I don’t think most people are quitting because of resistance. Facing a good resistance is what makes the game fun, push-over enemies gets boring quickly. Personally it also makes me feel bad, knowing I’m ruining the experience of what are probably new or ‘noob’ players.

Most people quit because they don’t like the map design of the map they’ve been put in.
Or they quit because they don’t like the gamemode selected for that mission.

I personally avoid Pacific, because it’s optimised terribly and has awful map design - and I avoid destruction because I don’t think it’s fun as a gamemode. You may disagree with both my dislikes here, that’s fine, we all have different tastes.

This is why priority needs to be given to finding a good way of allowing some map selection/gamemode selection without compromising player counts, rather than punishing people for playing things they don’t want to play.

If they’re not going to bother doing that, at the very least “desertion punishment” shouldn’t actually be a punishment, but rather some reward for sticking through the battle, or a certain number of battles… maybe in the form of getting a lump sum of silver for not leaving 3 or 5 battles in a row etc. That would encourage less desertion, but not punish people for leaving games if they want to.


Greyzone camping is definitely an issue. It’s not about “punishing tankers”, it’s about keeping the map fair.

Tanks should be moving forward with infantry support, not sitting back in a place where they’re invulnerable. It’s a massive exploit.

The only people who think it’s fine as is, are the people who use the exploit.


English please @KarottenLord

I just want the cromwell tanks and more italian tanks, there cant be just shermans fighting the germans, british produced tanks that are effective during the war


So no talking about silver changes in the upcoming Q&A?