Western Allies Voiceover mod

The players charging isn’t changed, just the NPC’s because there were using like, 1 second noises for “charging” which made them sound out of breath. And I just made it a collection of BF V sounds because that’s what I had access to sorry. xwx

I realise thanks to a friend, Mega may have not been updating the download like I hoped it had so it’s been version 1 this whole time, hopefully now the updates I pushed are actually available to download.

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Hi, did you manage to use any of those BF voicelines?

not really, my PC just flat out refused to download it for whatever reason so. haven’t looked sorry. x.x

@ErikaKalkbrenner did you send those BFV sounds?

I don’t know if those BFV files have Russian VO?

@AutumnBlu here are Russian voicelines from BF1

Not sure if you speak Russian/can import them based on context (there are some things to avoid like WW1 era “your excellence” address towards the officer).

Maybe I will do that one day.
If you could send me just the original Russian VO files to be replaced, that would be nice.


1/2 weeks ago or so.

they don’t.

That’s weird because iirc there was Russian VO files for sure

I have BFV installed right now as well as Rmod tool if you know how to get them?

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the version that i have unfortunately did not had them

Yeah it’s just British and German stuff, and I’ve been in a bit too low motivation and mood to listen to every voice line, they’re not so neatly divided as “soldier 1,2,3” etc it’s more of just voice lines.

Ok I extracted 2449 Russian voiceover lines, does anyone have the names/list of the actually used ones ingame?
Like “construct a rally point”, “need enemy coordinates” etc?
@Bigote0070 @能能能能许世友

all vo_player_enlisted who start in 1

Sorry, what do you mean “start with 1”?

For instance these 3 are definitely all used (01, 02 and 03)


I created BF1 wavs, renamed them in accordance with Enlisted’s naming, when I click Rebuild in Fmod Bank Tools an error appears.


How do I import new wavs into a bank file?

@AutumnBlu @Bigote0070 @能能能能许世友

Put the files on the fmod folder

There are 2 folders for bank and wav

Ok I figured out how to import files.

Now then, what is the difference between
vo_enemy_enlisted_soldier03_hooray_01.wav and

Player = player taunt

Enemy= 3rd person taunts (You Friends and enemys)

So soldier 1 2 3 is just for randomisation?

soldier 01 02 and 03 was the 3rd person audio (you mates/enemies)

Yeah I mean i can assign audio files A B C to soldier 1, D E F to soldier 2 and G H I to soldier 3 so that they always shout different stuff, that’s the idea right?

generally voicefiles have 9 hoorays, you can make variations or 9 different voices

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