Weren't the extended rifle magazines

… a reward for the Kickstarter backers?? (of which I am not one)

Seems like a bit of a kick in the teeth for those folks having 1 for this “Armory” event.

It can happen. Usually there is an exclusivity not forever but only a period of time.

In WoWS the Yubari was Founders only for 1 year, and then it became available (i think in the armory for Coal after).
Although the Alpha Testers got the Iwiki and I dont recall it ever being available afterwards.

So it depends.

Technically speaking the Alpha backers were K98 with Trench where as this is G98 War mod. Probably different enough values to call them dissimilar.

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That’ll be it - thanks

The K98 trench I saw in video is amazing, it got the very good kar98 sight.
While the G98 look like this:

It’s less easy to use imo but it’s still a very cool addition to my collection.

We can only have 3 apparently tho.

I could have sworn Keo said 4. So far I got 3, if I get a 4th that would be perfect.

The sight is a little bulky, my eyes keep going to the side, but it is still a very fun gun to use.


Technically he just said that one the order count for one weapon.

So 3 blue order + 1 gold order = 4 weapon

It’s fine, I already got 3 :smiley:

In the game menu it says up to 4 so, I’m hopeful.

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Idiot DF at their finest.

I had the other portrait since late last night and I’m still collecting items.

I’ll still be playing so we will see what happens.


You can earn at least a 4th blue order after your earn something like 120 000pts
there is at least 4 blue order !

Maybe more?!


Thanks, I had a feeling when he said 4 (Keo) he meant 4 so good to know I can get one more rifle.

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Had to work for the last one.