Well.. i give up with this thing

Well my mates i give up, Germany is totally unabalanced compared to the allies

This doesn’t mean that the nation is unplayable, no…but is in a total disaventage

Fastest plane…Guess what? Is trash in his manobreality

Best tanks? Again they have a 152mm ship gun and if is not enough they also have a 122mm and a Lot of Anti tank guns oh yess the Kv-1 is bugged against explosives and
AT mines

Stg?? They have a stupid no recoil ak-47
(as 44) His power is not compared to this one or a 100 round magazine Thompson

FG 42? You know… An automatic garand is better than this thing Even the avs…is better.

Panzerfaust? They have panzerfaust too.

Panzerschreck? They have better rocket launchers too.

Machine guns? They a have a 200 round and we have a trash top tier machine gun the only thing at least usefull are other 2 ( but both are nerfed with 50 round magazine) .

We don’t Even have a good Cas plane like a p47, where are our bf-109 with ×4 250kg bombs and 8 rockets? ( just kidding they don’t gonna to make this) .

Armor in soldiers? Can this only be a simple clothe whitout any secret function pls?

A simple pps-43 or Even 42 can beat all our weapons who made that?.

Potato launchers?: they nerfed our potato launchers.

Events? Yes They have a Lot of Op events we have too yes… but no more.

I not gonna mention about lower br’s they are Even worse

There’s Even more details My Friends You can find it by yourself.

The saddest thing of all, the devs just don’t care they are just making the allies completly OP and ignoring axis and Japan too

Our posts are will be ignored and Germany Will became Japan v2

I’m tired of this situacion

I just want balanced nations




Bait used to be believable.


All of this is true, the only department in which Germany excels is tanks (except BR3 which gets brutally exploited by M4A3 sherman spam).

Can’t even prove the man wrong with data or facts.
StG isn’t special, AS-44 is the same with a little bit better dispersion.
FG42 II has double the recoil AVT-40 and T20 outclasses it in all aspects.
Germany doesn’t even have an MG worthy of BR V.
FW-190 D12 is bugged, hell all FWs are bugged except the premium :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :snail:
The best fighter the K-4 has zero bombs/rockets.

Even the things all factions should have copies of are different for Germany, somehow the German HMG has more dispersion than all other HMGs.

Seriously, show me some actual data instead of “GeRmAnY AlReAdY HaS EvErYtHiNg” which is clearly a halfassed argument since most of the gear is just copy-pasted slightly buffed versions, be it StG series, Panzer IVs, FW-190s ect…


Obvious bait :-1:

here is a hot take FG42II is balanced with t20 and AVT only broken rifle is auto hei
FG42II: great for cqc can hold it’s own decently well at range (it’s barely more inaccurate but you really won’t notice it too much)
T20: mid between the two
AVT: good at range but it’s the slowest rpm making ok in CQC

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Well probably i’m wrong in some aspects sorry for that thats the why i Say that there are more details

The role of a rifle eith 60 rounds of ammo is CQC? while all other SF rifles hold up similarly well in CQC but do better at everything else, In starting to think that DF also takes intelligence into account when designing balance.

Well i exagerated that but in some ways the allies at weapons are better or a copy paste like the soviets

Bait? What are saying dude most of this points are true Germany sucks in most of things

But you couldn’t prove him wrong :thinking:

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Dude, I feel the pain because I had the exact same issues some weeks back. BR5 is unplayable as germany. Great late war stuff like the StG44 or the MG42 got massively outclassed by allied fantasy stuff or got “historical” nerfs.
Events with nice new german/italian stuff? Nope.

I had exactly the same rant moments (I can lose a game, I am fine with it but I hate unfair and unbalanced/biased shit) until I started BR2 battles. This BR is way more fun, not frustrating and I could even push my avarage win ratio from 75,06% to 75,14%. Good old MP40s and MG13 - it feels like the old enlisted days when I started the Moskov campaign. Give it a try and wait until the developers add/fix stuff.

The main reason is the player base. The biggest part went over to US or USSR because of bias or new stuff. Just wait until the german tech tree gets new shit.


They are just enjoying the axis suffrering : ( i just Made a simple stupid mistake and they Say oH yES is JUSt aNother mAiN GErMaNY CRyInG

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Coof coof recoil exist for some reason dude

We have the same feeling sadly our peticions for balance Will be ignored

bullshit, there are way more US/USSR fanboys crying. WAY more. Guess why so much german gear got nerfed…
I remember when they cried about:

OP Fg42
OP Panzerschreck
OP Ju188
OP StG44 nO cHaNcE pLz hALp
OP Tiger I/II

Those guys now point with their fingers on other people. They are just silly.


Just wait for an “OP Germany again update” they Will be in the same situacion but i don’t want this i just want a balanced game for end the pain of everyone


I get what it is. You will feel this way, because axis, is the faction you main. I have a genuine solution to this, when the mood is low:

try other factions.

right now, axis feels meh just because less players plays it. So when it’s not fun anymore… switch! No reason to endure this. Also, all factions are fun and have things to offer.

If all this fails, taking a break might help. Enlisted is fun, but can also be frustrating at times :sweat_smile:


I went offline six months. Some days after the merge. It helped. BR5 → BR2 helps a lot too.

The Main problem i have is the fact that i don’t have anything on the other factions : ( if You see My account You Will see an advanced german tech tree and the rest of nations well…

Completly tier 1 ;_; And i need to complete the event too