Well done Devs

I just wanted to make a quick post to say well done to the devs for working on this game, on the whole it’s very good, and I feel quite unique, it filled the hole that BF1942 left back in the day.

There’s a lot of stuff flying about on the forums and although well intentioned, it must be tiring to read when everything you see is in some way negative. Well that’s kind of the internet all over. Yes there continue to be issues, twas always thus with online gaming, but I’d just like to say thank you, keep going doing the best job you can do, I know you guys work hard.

I’ve busted my gums about a few issues, which I think is fair, but also we’re quick to criticize and not to congratulate, so I just wanted to touch on that.

A little positivity I think is a very good thing, keep going. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wholesome post. :slight_smile:


Definitely a lot of people who try to make the game the best it can be. Although it has its issues, its moving towards the right direction every day.


To me this is just ostrich behavior

so called positivity
It should not include protecting selfish and incompetent groups
This makes the environment toxic
The result of hard-working players’ efforts is like becoming hosts or idiots of up to 70% of the parasites.
It should also not contain bugs that have not been fixed for more than 1 year.
These make players’ time and paid experience feel like idiots


Since when does a positive post make an environment toxic?


I’m referring to the map adjustments and equipment performance and mechanical changes made to protect those players who are passive and refuse to think.

These behaviors will only make the game environment more monotonous and boring and even allow those bad groups to overflow.
I think most players can clearly feel that the proportion of bad allies has increased significantly in the past 7 months.


The guy literally just joined the community to show his appreciation for the game. It’s probably better to welcome him in, than to instantly make him feel like nobody here likes the game, no?

Just my tuppence.


this … this is one of the reasons I play … the movement reminds me so much of 1942!


Same here. Definitely some old school 1942 vibes going on. :slight_smile:


Because we love this game
That’s why there’s so much negativity here
(Whether asking to make him better or worse)



For me, call of duty 3 was the god, played that to death. My god the lag on that was a challenge to deal with itself with the 1Meg broadband.


Isn’t that an oxymoron?

We love the game so we’ll be negative about it?

To me, there’s a difference between constructive criticism and negativity.

Either way, I don’t think we should be telling new players that they are displaying “ostrich behaviour”, that doesn’t seem constructive.

Again, only my opinion.


My ultimate high-point for older twitch shooters was Battlefield: Bad Company 2… Man, I loved that game.

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I’ve been playing shooters since Quake back in the mid 90’s … oh the memories of old shooter games
Quake, Day of Defeat, Counter Strike, BF 1942, BF2, COD 1-4, Half Life, Unreal Tournament, Halo 1 and 2… reminisces in nostalgia


The same case don’t applies to me sadly : '( You played those games in their times in that time i didint even born, and when i realize that cool Games were in PC or consoles i was dissapointed because i just had a phone for playing the playstore videogames, Ngl some games like SWL (stick war legacy) Minecraft, or every kind of android shooter Game. Were My Childhood but i always wanted a PC or console (i never had one until now) for playing games like COD or CS , you we’re lucky, you played these games in their peak. Just imagine Call of duty world at war is My favorite Game from the COD saga it was developed in 2008 and after 12 years “2020” i played it for the first time at that time that Game was only another dead game the same goes to games like GTA saga
(San andreas “My beloved”) And after i bougth a decent PC i found this Game and everything change…

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I’d say that the problem is the game lacked proper motivation for people to leave their passive campy play style behind and ptfo

Since trools breath Oxygen and live in the same planet as You and me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you for the kind words, we’ll make sure it’s conveyed to the developers! :slight_smile:

Everyone knows there are things that can be improved with the game, and there always will be. We will continue to work on player perceptions and create new things for the community; of which many plans are listed in the developer Q&A and roadmap. Nonetheless, we always appreciate the feedback, as without it there would be no game!

So keep making your voices heard - both on what you like (which does help a lot, and perhaps players forget this) and what we can improve upon. :blush:


I thought I was the only one! :wink:

I actually mentioned this very thing in a post either yesterday or earlier this past week - figured mentioning BF1942 would age me even more than admitting I play this game with my son. :wink:

I absolutely loved BF1942 all the way through their “Special Weapons” expansion.