Weird Navmesh (Zombie AI)

I have never seen anything like this before:

Compared to regular AI, zombie AI STRICTLY follows navmesh. So strictly in fact that if it generates mid-air for some reason they will float. And if the navmesh go through objects, zombies will too.

I checked the collisions, they are fine, i see no reason why is there a bump (its hard to see but its there:

Collision is fine:

Edit: I used fences to block stuff, maybe thats the issue…hmmm

EDIT 2: I THINK i found the problem: In short, because navmesh for stairs is inperfect and because zombies strictly follow navmesh, it will never look perfect, zombies may float or go under rendinsts because the navmesh is there.


So the question is: How do i turn this off? Or turn on the part of human/soldier navigation so that zombies no longer float?




