Weapons killing power

Kinda wondering where the DEV’s got their information on weapons and their killing power. Obviously not from real life.

First of all, a person shooting a gun will kill a person with a melee weapon 90% of the time, yet, I am CONSTANTLY shooting people with SMG’s and machine guns going through doors or across rooms, and yet, the guy wheeling the KNIFE wins the vast majority of the times? Sure, I would expect to be wounded by the knife, but not flat out die while the guy with 6 bullets in his stomach and chest continues on. :rofl: Sure, I get an “ASSIST” later when someone else shoots this guy, but this is not just ridiculous but stupid.

Secondly, when someone is being torched with a flame thrower, I highly doubt that person being torched is going to be able to continue shooting and take me out, then still be alive and still burning and take out the guy I spawned to. That is ridiculous. I guess a flame thrower must have very little killing power in this game. :roll_eyes:

Maybe they should consider adding a little common sense to the game. :rofl:

network delay

SMG thing sounds like an issue on your side. Or you use SMS with really low dmg vs minmaxed dudes with all possible HP bonuses.

I agree about flamethrowers though, at least the early ones. They do little damage and it’s too easy to counter them while you are already burning.
But I guess it’s due to CQC game design. Strong flamethrowers will instantly be meta (it was already the case).

SMG low damage or not, in real life it would not be realistic. One possibility is that neither person dies from the initial contact as in real life Adrenaline is going to be pumping so the person being shot might still be able to get in his stabbing attack, however I highly doubt he is going to walk away alive or able to continue to fight. If nothing else, BOTH should end up dead from the encounter. But I ask you, how many people would rather run through a door in real life depending on a knife or a SMG to survive?

You know, i am not mad at this kind of stuff as I know it is just a video game. However it is frustrating when it is not remotely realistic. I took Criminal justice in college and one of the courses we had was ballistics, and I don’t see a lot of realistic ballistics in this game. :rofl: But, then again, it’s just a game. I do wish they would spend more time trying to make it more realistic.

I think they should at least remove one of the flamer’s spread or slowdown penalties
Otherwise they are really bad now
I think it would be better to have the storage tank explode or become a simulated nozzle ammo limit

Tbh I’d also like to have SMG (or pistol caliber in general) damage increased because current one feels too low. But (again) due to the map design, SMGs are already very strong/meta weapons so there is no need to buff them really.


Probably from the source for dispersion and recoil.

SMGs on low BR are already dominating (most weapons are bolties, especially in case of noobies), but on high BR ARs heavily out class them.
In my opinion, BR4 and BR5 SMGs need buff or need their BR decreased.

I disagree, there is a reason ARs are more used in mordern warfare, they are better. (unless in CQB )

You are right, but this is a ww2 game and famous guns like the ppsh41 aren’t used because prototypes like the AS-44 out class it.

Perhaps they need to take another look at how the Assault Class is seeded across the game, and the various squads (where it tends to be more representative of a squad leader) as a way of re-balancing SMGs and ARs.
There is absolutely no need for Pilots to be armed with SMGs as far as I’m concerned, pistols are fine for them, and I’m not even going to start on Medics, they should be the first to go…

There are also some deviations from sensibility in sniper weapons, which could be scaled back to a BA baseline for the sake of game balance. At the end of the day they’ve enabled dual weapon carry options for all soldiers so if you need something else other than your BA sniper weapon you can carry an alternate or rely on the other soldiers in the sniper squad to jump into for close defence.

I use 4x Cönders and 1x MP 717(r) on my BR5 German bomber crew, and they do really well as an assault group when im forced to leave the plane. Sadly i dont like the constant explotions in BR 5 so i really dont want to play there anymore…

Also same argument could be used about the Bolt Action Rifles, they are not really used endgame because the Assault Rifles outclass them. (except for long range sniping)

I am fine with the SMG killing power, however a melee knife should not have one kill capacity higher then any gun, which it obviously does. Of course, if they took away that one kill capacity, less people would use it. To me, the only time in real life I am going to use a melee weapon is if I am sneaking up on a position and I want to be somewhat quiet, but certainly not rushing into a building during a combat fight. Not to mention that both soldiers are more then likely holding their guns with two hands, so unless your pulling your melee weapon a couple seconds before the encounter the odds are the SMG will kill the enemy before he can pull his knife, sword or whatever he is carrying. I know, I know, it’s just a video game. :rofl:

But Bolties are BR2 max, except for GL and a few sniper rifles while ARs and some SMGs share BR.

I still use ppsh41 :smile:

I never unlocked/bought the ass44. I don’t like that thing, it’s cringe. I already have the camo event guys and the ass44 that came in a bundle with stg45 thought… which is plenty :thinking:

Found out ppsh41 is often MORE effective than the ass, in some situations (like room squad sweeping)

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In real life your not able to fight, even if you got hit by a pistol in your leg.
This is an Action-Shooter-Game

As i already said before, i do still use SMGs in my BR5 lineup, and they do really well. Are they the best in every situation? No. But the same goes for ARs.

The Kiraly 39M is really strong, and the PPSh-41 is even stronger, the “trick” is to know when to use what weapon. :slightly_smiling_face:

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