Weapons Available to Everyone - Part 21 đŸȘ

Hello! :wave:
The FNFISHI Arms Concern is proud to present NEW and UNIQUE WEAPONS CONCEPTS.

Welcome to a space where imagination and technology collide! Here, you’ll discover unique concepts for fantastic weapons — ranging from mid-19th century rifles to sophisticated serpchaks.

Feel free to share your thoughts, get inspired, and discuss these incredible weapon designs.

Chassepot Rifle (1866)

  • Muzzle velocity: 420 m/s
  • Caliber: 11mm bullet
  • Kills with one shot, regardless of enemy armor, helmets, or durability.


  • Magazine capacity: 55 rounds
  • Recoil similar to the PPS-42
  • Fire rate: 500 rounds per minute
  • Battle rating: 2.0
  • For those who need more than the standard PPS magazine of 35 rounds.

Unique Soviet Melee Weapon – Serpchaks

  • Works on the same principle as nunchucks.
  • A mistake during use will cost you a limb.
  • Attack radius: comparable to a katana.
  • Animation refinement is needed.

Peasant’s Mosin-Nagant

  • This weapon allows you to “mow down” enemies — literally.
  • A great assault rifle variant of the Mosin-Nagant, replacing T-60 tanks and standard Mosins for the Berlin campaign.

No-Name Rifle (FNFAL System)

  • Penetrates three enemies in a straight line.
  • Originally designed for elephant :elephant: hunting in Africa.


  • Experimental rifle intended for potential new battle ratings.
  • Initially developed for the German army, but the designer and blueprints were evacuated by the Americans.
  • Available at 6.0 BR.

20-Round Semi-Automatic STG-45 (CZ)

  • Reduced accuracy compared to standard models.
  • Magazine capacity: 20 rounds.
  • Battle rating: 4.0.

STG 90 (SD)

  • The cherry on top!
  • An early German prototype of the AS VAL, chambered for 7.92×33mm Kurz.
  • Magazine capacity: 20 rounds.
  • Features a suppressor and FNFISHI rails for your favorite optics or flashlight to blind your enemies.
  • Suppressor reduces bullet trajectory and damage by 0.3 points.
  • Fire rate increased by 100, totaling 750 rounds per minute.

In the blazing sands, where the winds are strong,
Lives a legend, a name carried in song.
FNFAL, the master of steel,
A craftsman of weapons, his power is real.

FNFAL2017, king of the dunes,
Ruler of camels beneath desert moons.
His tools of war, unmatched in might,
A lord of creation, a warrior’s light.

Beneath the palm trees, where the dates grow sweet,
He forges his weapons in the scorching heat.
A camel’s stride bows to his reign,
While his genius flows like a desert rain.

FNFAL2017, king of the dunes,
Ruler of camels beneath desert moons.
His tools of war, unmatched in might,
A lord of creation, a warrior’s light.

His designs strike fear, precise and divine,
A master of arms through the sands of time.
From the markets of dates to the battlefield’s flame,
All who behold him will honor his name.

FNFAL2017, sovereign and grand,
The desert obeys his mighty hand.
A king of camels, a crown of steel,
In every weapon, his power we feel.

So sing of his glory, let his story be told,
FNFAL2017, a legend of gold.

P.S A massive thank you to all the forum members from Europe, Asia, and Latin America who have supported the FNFAL2017 weapon concepts! Your enthusiasm and backing transcend geographical boundaries, and the Sacred Camel watches over each and every one of you with deep appreciation. :dromedary_camel: :earth_americas: :earth_africa: :earth_asia:

It’s your likes, your kind words, and your shared passion that truly warm the heart of the creator. Despite the limitations faced by the author of these ideas, rest assured — thanks to all your support, the work will continue to grow and evolve.

And of course, a heartfelt thank you to the moderators for your patience and understanding, for allowing these discussions to thrive and for ensuring that ideas keep flowing without interference. May the Sacred Camel bless you as well for your wisdom and for helping to nurture this creative journey!

P.S for Aussies

Cheers, mates! Massive thanks to everyone who backed us — you’re absolute legends! Good on ya, and here’s to more ripper ideas ahead!

P.S for Americans

Well, bless y’all’s hearts! Y’all are the backbone of this, and we’re mighty grateful for your support. Big hugs and a heapin’ helpin’ of thanks from the bottom of our hearts. God bless, and don’t be strangers now, ya hear?

P.S for Canadians

Hey there, big thanks to all of you! We really appreciate the support, eh? You’re all truly awesome. Thanks a ton, from the bottom of our hearts, and remember, you’re always welcome up here, anytime! Take care, eh!"


P.S for British

Right then, a massive thank you to all of you who’ve shown support! We’re truly chuffed by your help. Your kindness means the world to us. Cheers to each and every one of you — you’re all top-notch! Let’s keep it going, and do be in touch!

:crocodile: :handshake: :cat2: :handshake: :seal: :handshake: :parrot:


:dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel:


I am glad that I somewhat missed 20 previous parts of this nonsense.


Don’t worry Adamnpee, soon I’ll create a digital museum of FNFAL’s vehicle’s and weapons, so you’ll have a chance to enjoy everything you missed.


Mess room, bro :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel:


I did notice, bro. :man_shrugging:

It’s really pathetic, if you thought you are going to have some “gotcha moment”.

maaaaaaan . . .


no offense :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel:

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Oh, don’t worry, m8, I’m not trying to have a ‘gotcha moment’ - We just here building digital empire of creativity. But hey, wouldn’t it be hilarious if they added something just to spite you? Imagine logging in and seeing it in technical Tree. Pure gold, eh?:smirk:

I can even roughly imagine your reaction:

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Nope, all I see is unoriginal teen “humor”, a pathetic attempt to come up with some kind of inside/elitist community jokes.

But you are not even successful at it. :man_shrugging: (the part that’s actually funny tbh)

Ah, the classic ‘I’m above it all’ move - always a crowd favorite! :grin: But hey, if my ‘unoriginal teen humor’ is keeping you this engaged, I must be doing something right, eh? Don’t worry, though, I’ll make sure the next inside joke comes with a manual just for you. Wouldn’t want you missing out on the fun, buddy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Adamnpee, if you’re feeling down because you’re not part of the ‘elite camel club,’ we can fix that, mate. Anything to stop you from being sad, old sport! :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel:

You took what I said in a very strange way.

This is the first time I’ve commented on this nonsense. (As far as I remember)


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Specifically, the sentences in the FNFISHI - yes. But overall, this ‘excessive seriousness’ from you has been present before. Fine, if the topic were serious. But you often argue seriously with jokes.
What about the pirate event and the endless debates about it:

"But the game is literally about historical events. Maybe we could spice it up a bit with a pinch of exotic flair? (ME)
“NO! That’s nonsense, that’s garbage. We need historically accurate events!” (YOU)

But I am grateful to you anyway; even if you don’t want it, you still ‘bump’ and promote the topic, for which I thank you very much. Personally, from the weapons designer of the FNFAL.

Now you’ve made me laugh out loud. :joy:

If grinding 20k per two days is a proper historical ingame event for you, ok.

It just confirmed for me now that you didn’t understand the context of what I was talking about at all. And I’ve tried to explain it to you about three times.

And yes, I don’t understand why a WW2 game should put more efffort into non WW2 themed events than classic ingame events.

But this doesn’t matter. Completely off topic stuff that you brought up just because you can’t argue anything else.

If you find what you’ve created here funny. Keep it up, I’m certainly not stopping you. Nor I can :man_shrugging:

We are born to make a fairy tale come true.

I’m nowhere near the forum humorist you are. I just trying)

I clearly didn’t say that. I suggested adding a pirate event. But I never mentioned a required threshold of 20,000 points per stage. You’re making up points for me and arguing with them yourselves. Well, okay.