i am all for giving mg42 1200 ROF. but i would rather see 900 rounds bolt cause it was more common for infantry than 1500 rpm which was vehicle/AA version.
only as premium or event (max 1 obtainable) - “robihr” is right, this version was rare. 1200 is perfect and most common.
1500 to make it more fair and more seeing that the allies and Soviets have Prototype assault rifles When Germany should only have it
A few things
Enlisted needs some kinda system to lock squads, weapons and vehicles to certain Campaign set of Maps, before it get way too outta hand. I do NOT want to see chinese dudes storming Normandy.
I think that system you gave no chance with Stuff locked to Maps should be reintroduced alongside BR.
You need to preserve the historical authenticity and athmospere. Immersion in History is Key.
Very nice addition with USSR and Jap Motorcycles! they’ve been missing for sure
Please for love of History put the correct name on it, you have resposibility here to educate the folks and have right names and designations.
The ‘‘Super Pershing’’ is a T26E4! that’s a 4 not 1 Experimental version 4 upgunned. It was built using the T26E1 model which happened to be the Nr 1 in that series so to speak.
It’s better you put the correct name to keep the public and young enthusiasts with correct info.
It would be much better for Game if you kept things like this for event Weapons, event Squads etc.
Captured weapons should NOT be in main Tech Tree. you ruin the immersion and the style, flavor of the different factions. they were captured and sometimes used, good, put as event weapons, and you can hand out a few now and then, that way you keep em rare and flavourful without ruining the general feel of the said faction and the immersion in-game.
IJA CAS planes, when?
Lets not get going on this path if we need to make realistic numbers literally US had more then 11 M1 grands for every STG ever produced…to compare the US production capabilities with GE in WW 2 is a losing cause really…if you have a squad of 10 ppl only 1 would have STG while 10 US soldiers would be equipped with M1 Grand
@James_Grove all in all these changes are great.
can you add a new AT rifle for japan in one of the new updates? germans, russians, and the allis now have AT rifles which are able to penetrate over 200mm of armor. meanwhile japan: being able to penetrate max. 100mm. maybe this could be something for later
what is the source?
here is from Military Intelligence Service, Special Series No. 14, May 25, 1943
found that document and translation was this
"Translation of a German document captured 3 km east of Rosino on December 1st, 1942, among documents of the 10th infantry company, 174th infantry regiment, 81st infantry division.
Directions on shooting from the MG-42 machinegun
The high rate of fire of the MG-42 results in a large consumption of ammunition. Use it with great discipline, and remember the following:
MG-42 as a hand-held machinegun
The high rate of fire of the MG-42 results in difficulty while aiming, due to the shaking after firing. Fire in short bursts. The best amount appears to be 5-7 rounds, as the machinegunner is capable of holding the gun in the direction of the target for that long. After 7 rounds, the dispersion cone deviates from the target, resulting in a larger amount of wasted ammunition.
Conclusion: short bursts with re-acquisition of the target.
In order to prevent the stock from slipping off your shoulder, do the following:
Place the bipod well Press the stock firmly to your shoulder Place your feet well
When firing on the move, the machinegunner needs to lean forward. The machine gun must be held by the belt, and must be firmly pressed towards the body with the right hand.
MG-42 as a mounted machinegun
Sustained aimed fire is not possible due to the high rate of fire and shaking of the gun. The dispersion cone moves away after 70 shots. Bursts longer than 70 rounds in length result in a waste of ammunition. Because of this, bursts should be limited to 70 shots, with rapid re-acquisition of the target afterwards.
The resulting rapid heating of the barrel requires replacing the barrel after 200 rounds.
In order to impede the shifting of the dispersion cone while kneeling or sitting, it is recommended to place two ammunition boxes on the middle leg of the gun mount.
Signature illegible
Send to:
Army headquarters: 1 All regiments that received MG-42s: 10 All regiments that have not yet received MG-42s: 1
Note: The tactical-technical data on the MG-42 is missing. According to an interrogation from December 4th, 1942 (Bryansk Front), the MG-42 is allegedly a modernization of the MG-34.
The MG-42 is heavier by one kilogram than the MG-34. Externally, the MG-42 differs little from the MG-34. Allegedly, the rate of fire of the MG-42 reaches 1600 RPM. Verification is required.
Confirmed: Senior assistant of the Chief of the 1st Department of the 3rd Directorate of the Red Army GRU, Colonel Dubenko."
ok then in the next update add the taiger H 2 with the 128 mm cannon and with the turret armor with the thickness of 210 mm that was built in the war, so that you show a little sympathy to the axis, and it is not worth the one of I put 2 tank destroyers and a plane with a cannon that is more inefficient than a rock when you aim in dive or at least remove the nerf of the jagdpanther, of the tiger2 H, of the MG42 (at least remove some exaggerated recoil) I do not ask that they put its rate of fire of 1200 bullets, of the fg42 remove the small recoil nerf and it is not worth saying that the USSR also has it because the USSR has not been affected by the allies, because it was nerfed by the allies because they had poor equipment… well now it is not so poor with a buffed tank so or it goes to the latest version of the tiger2 h or that they remove it All the nerfing done to “balance the battles” to the axis that now is the axis that needs help. ale I already said it
Yeah true
Never, hopefully
Theyre forward fixed, its a very maneuverable dive bomber for its size, ull be able to a2a at times
This is like one tiny part of the German Army do you honestly think in 1945 you can equip 5 million people with STGs ? even if you had to equip all the Waffen–SS in 1945 you would not have enough STGs… while US really was able to equip 5 million people with M1 grands …
Boys, they are both kinda dumb.
Also, boys, both are very fun to use. BR V is just WWII themed fantasy land and its fina that way.
Only parts I had problem with: captured vs. researchable, everyone, USA Tiger II
In case we rename “tech tree” to “line of bullshit”, I’m fine with it.
(On the other hand I like the rest of your comment, just this sentence - I don’t know if it’s sarcasm or not. )
Why does it have to be so much better then the StG? Thats just a very confusing choice. If its equally strong then its balanced. Why the increase in strength?
Like legitimate question here. Enlisted was really good at preventing power creep in the past. Now every update brings in stronger and stronger weapons. Really curious what the thinking is behind this …
By the way I know i am bitching. This update is really good I love it. But just why.