Weapons and vehicles of the "Rzhev" update

Hope the addition of the Chi-To at BR IV means that the Chi-Nu will be lowered to BR III. The latter really has no place being at BR IV when the early T-34s and Shermans are at BR III with similar capabilities.


I’m grateful for Japan getting a proper BR IV tank but something still lingers me…

Why was the regular Chi-To chosen over the Chi-To Late? The Late has a more proportionate turret and chassis design, but most importantly better protection as it has more slopped frontal armor with around 90mm of effective protection.


Why not? It’s a bit cooler name

When can Japan have a BR5 sniper rifle. I don’t want to shoot against the M1C with the Type 99 anymore.


Almost every other event/premium/gold order vehicle (outside of “Rhino”) have standard name, like “Pz III N” or “Pz IV E”.
Pz.IV G “Stalingrad” just sounds weird to me, maybe something like Pz.IV G “Veteran” or Pz.IV G “Ace” (as in ace crew) would sound better?

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KV-2 in 1945?
Sounds really bad.
Another nail into the once great Berlin’s coffin.

Also, why on earth is Rzhev map planned as BR 1-5?

Battle of Rzhev ended in spring 1943 (before Panther and T-34-85).

If you want to add a BR 1-5 map, why not add something that actually saw combat from 1941 to 1945, like Belarus map?

And if you want to add Rzhev, it doesn’t make any sense to open ot to anything more than BR 3.

Otherwise, what’s next? Battle of France BR 1-5 with Tiger 2 against Pershing?

Like I understand maybe before the Merge there were some maps strictly bound to historical dates, but why add intentionally anachronistic stuff now?

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Awwww no, not this time.

I usually say nothing about HA debate but:


Prepare to face afro Stalin angry avatar!


same thing with flak88 truck sadly i really want that one tbh

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Technically during the pushing back of German from France, allies and axis fight or teavelled in almost the same spot of the 1940, so i dont see issue here

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I mean the logic of “big boom = high BR” will lead us to Tsar Cannon in Berlin because “haha fun”.

I love KV-2 but it should never appear in Berlin.

So Evacuation of Dunkirk where Tiger 2s push the British on Char B1s to the sea?

Yeah sounds totally fine /s


I need ask you if you at least see some references before post, Dunkirk was hot in both 40 and 44


I need to ask you if you can read “evacuation from Dunkirk” and Char B1 vs Tiger 2

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Dunkirk is just the map… I don’t understand what you want point out? We never gonna see Dunkirk evacuation because is not something related to the map itself is an historical event

Why intentionally add Rzhev for BR 1-5 if it ended in 1943?

If they need a BR 1-5 map it could be Belarus or any generic place.

If they need Rzhev specifically, it shouldn’t see T-34 85, BR 3 max.

Early t-34 and KV-1 are br3 or br4. So Berlin already havs early war tank in it. Adding KV-2 will barely make any difference.

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Fully agree,

Devs pleaze lower KV2 br to 3 pleeeease /s



That’s why it’s called “another nail in the Berlin coffin”.

It used to actually feel like Berlin 1945 before all the fake and fantasy AS, RPD, MG 45, Conders, T 34 100, then KV-1 and T 34 76


Just saying that rezhev ended the 31 march 1943 and the panther was already ready to action by then… Also the T34 85, and most of BR currently equipment

Kind of sad that KV2 is premium only.


The saddest thing is: every update after the Merge moves the game in anti-ww2 direction and literally nothing is done to address the simple insanities like Volkssturm soldiers in Tunisia