Weapons and vehicles of the next update

That’s exactly the reason why Germany will not get 100 round MG any time soon.

Because of your consistent and annoying spam. I hope you are proud of yourself.


that may be true but that means there’s a good chance that the Germans will get 150 round MG or 200

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No, Germany will never get a new MG just because of you.

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when it comes to steam I’m sure things will change and won’t it be fun to watch things start burning

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I dont think one annoying user stops the game from developing


You should ask wasted woodsman

What did he do?

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Basically the same thing just like Parrots. But sadly for him, he was US main. Not German.


I would pay to see them argue about balance


dam too bad i never seen this woodman before


Funny Heavy tank No.4 is more armored than O-I heavy tank and MAUS though :^)

Don’t think so I’m sure it’s mounted on chi-ri chassis so that would mean that hull of the tank would be the same armor as Chi-Ri the turret there is a chance but I’m not sure

The thing has 200-260mm of front armor in WoT

Most likely a for balance reasons (Its tier 9 tank) and there is a document stating that 200 but the document states that there was to plan to make that 200 mm by using new armor like what soviets did with T-28 E but the same document states that tank was built in 1944 which if we look at resource situation of Japan at that time pretty sure that was not possible

That guy has been banned for being himself for like 2 years now, he was constantly spamming the Forums that FG42 needs to be removed from the game.

The biggest insane troll this Forum will ever see.

I would absolutely love to see this maniac talk trash again.

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I really want to see @Wastedwoodsman vs @Greyparrots Ultimate rap battle of history, now…


I don’t do rap battles

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It would be an obvious win for allies forces over “you” Germans, then :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think Adelheid_Ziegler from the Russian side of the forum will be much better to have this showdown instead of me

Not really… Sovs and allies exclusive mains don’t oppose each others much at the moment as they never face each others in match.

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