Weapons and vehicles of the next update

They could add type 4 rocket launcher with 90 mm shells which were used in limited numbers by paratroopers and had 120 mm of pen though not as much as panzefausts but more than M9


No, what was (and still will be) needed to address these issues is implementing a normal matchmaking. Instead of the nonsense we have now, we should have a simple +1/-1 BR system with brackets like these:

  • BR I - BR II
  • BR II - BR III
  • BR III - BR IV
  • BR IV - BR V

This way Japan being capped at tier IV would not be an issue as it would be a distinct tier in all factions instead of being a part of the “top tier matchmaking”.

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Yeah but what about late game? Cuz that’s more a mid game launcher, cuz I suspect the US getting the M20 Superbazooka for sure in the future

Yeah but what about late game? Cuz that’s more a mid game launcher, cuz I suspect the US getting the M20 Superbazooka for sure in th


(Does sound like it. admit it.)


There isn’t enough playerbase to do that YET, but some people really want to play bot farmfest I guess.

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One Chi-To no.
But two Chi-Tos yes.


The only solution that comes to my mind right now is to let Japan build heavy AT guns at high BRs like Type 92 10 cm cannon other than that i cant think of anything for now

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And here we are, the go-to excuse (because it’s always an excuse, never a valid argument) of all developers under Gaijin not to improve the game “player base is too small” and “but queue times!”… I’ve heard that in War Thunder, now I hear that in Enlisted.

While the true is that if the game is good, players are willing to wait for a minute or two before a battle.

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Also I hope that ammo racks arent filled to 50% with air.

We need the Panzerschreck with shield!


No gasmask and no good visibility.

So, why is that needed?

Nah fam, that ain’t it. No Tiger 2s in Tunisia.

Even though I’m ready to sacrifice “Moscow” and swap its BRs with Stalingrad, at least “Moscow” doesn’t have any clearly 1942-43 locations.

If that’s the secret to removing Stalingrad from BR 4-5, sure:

BR 3-5: Operation Bagration, Konigsberg, Vienna, Budapest, Lvov-Sandomierz, the Baltics, Vienna
BR 1-3: Kursk, Caucasus, Kharkov, Rostov, Leningrad, Odessa, Brest Fortress

BR 1 only: Khalkhin Gol

For the same reason we do 360 no scope.
Do you think it’s more easy? more practical? more realistic?
No. It’s because it’s cool.

Plus, if it’s a real shield that protect while you aim it can be a very good trade.


I thought mlg era is long gone, but whatever.

And a good land lease rocket launcher for Tier V Japanese for balance would be nice.

the 2 jap weapons reignited my loyalty to the emperor!


Overall, I’m quite happy with the new content for Japan, but I can understand why some people are not really happy with the Ho-Ri: it’s quite complicated, because some sources say that the construction of some vehicles was started when the war ended, and you can even see that the gun was made and tested, so it was more a matter of time until a complete vehicle was assembled, the end of the war stopped that from happening. And also, as much as I love the Chi-Ri, it’s still “only” armed with a 75 mm gun, so I understand why devs decided to put the Ho-Ri in game.

And finally, about the Type 100 MG, I’m quite confused, because I never saw ANY picture or even a mention that it was adapted for ground use, does anybody here have some informations about this possible conversion ? Or is it just pure fantasy ?

It’s quite weird to have chosen this MG in particular, because I found a picture of the prototype of the Type 4 tank machine gun a few days ago, and I guess others in this community could have found it waaaaaay before me, so I would have chosen this MG instead, because it was belt-fed, and it was the perfect fit for the japanese tree, because all their tank MGs were also adapted for ground use, so I guess that putting a bipod on it wouldn’t have been too unrealistic.

the document states it was tested with a 20 round mag. that doesnt exclude the ability to put in a 30 round mag.

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I guess thats right. I suppose I was hoping for more after looking at the payloads of the P-38, P-40, and AP-4 fighters for the allies. Hopefully they get a BR 5 Bomber with some real ground support ability.

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