Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Slightly smaller actually. 240 and some change I believe


223/4 kilos.

but we like to round things up

Are those dual 250 kg bombs or 250kg in total now with some more bombs just hidden??

I’d imagine dual 250kg bombs

It’s a real shame we can’t use the early Tiger in Stalingrad and Tunisia……where it was first used (as always sigh fingers crossed that eventually one day that will change)

I’m actually glad to see the Soviets getting a lend lease bazooka. However I think they should replace the Soviet Panzerfaust with the bazooka

I suggest

  • move the German Panzerfaust 60 to BR 4
  • add the German Panzerfaust 30 to BR 3 (so we don’t have time traveling Panzerfaust 60s made in 1944 showing up in 1942 Moscow and Stalingrad (hey at least Stalingrad is part of 1943 and that’s the year the 30 saw use)
  • optionally likewise move the captured Soviet Panzerfaust to BR 4 OR remove the Soviet Panzerfausts and give them late war experimental AT weapons instead
  • make AT soldiers drop their gadget upon death, if you want it go hunt it down

Dual 250s


You are missing my points. Apcr does give Pershing a fighting chance but it doesn’t change the fact tiger 2h is just straight better. Yes, enlisted is different from wt, but the basic logic and damaged model are there. Apcr wont suddenly become a nuke. As I said, the biggest downside of super Pershing besides its speed is slow fire rate, which means you can’t support infantry as effectively as tiger 2h (a good comparison will be panzer4f1 vs t28e even though t28e and super Pershing have more mg). And if you think normal Pershing can deal with hori, I don’t know what to say. I just assume you have never fought it in warthunder, not to mention it is way more difficult to flank in enlisted.

Again, I am only taking about the performance of tanks per se, not the overall balance. Allies can deal with tiger 2h easily, but it never feels good when you are driving a 76 Sherman against a tiger 2h.

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The real chosen production Ho-Ri was this one
Build on the existing Chi-Ri II chassis

The super structure is 125mm thick with the Hull being 75mm thick


90mm APCR on M26 had 315mm pen in real life

Sshhhh Gaijin, and by extension DF, is allergic to real American numbers

Also the main armour defeating round on the M26 Pershing was T33 APBC, not M82 APCBC


Let us have our APCBC. Our APCR ain’t gonna be worth jack unless DF manually reworks APCR

well they can add Ho-RI II later as an other tank and I think it would be cool to add type 4 heavy tank,too

Russian soldiers in Manchuria as you can see the turret of type 4 heavy tank i presume used as static Gun

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The MMD model is a bit inaccurate as what is most likely the magazine well dust cover isn’t modeled true to the real gun.

Also regarding the magazine if you scroll down a bit further on the same report you can clearly see the 30 round magazine.

Source for those that want to see the report themselve: 試製超軽機関銃審査の件


Even the improved M82 APCBC which achieved 853m/s was totally incapable of penetrating the Panther Glaces plate at point blank range.
The penetrator is only 217mm long and the HE filler cavity further reduces the penetrator size and weight


The T33 APBC has much higher kinetic energy and penetration than M82 APCBC because the penetrator is longer at 250m and just bigger and heavier overall and since it has no HE filler the penetrator size isn’t reduced but is at it’s maximum size.

The T33 APBC has so much penetration it could clap the Panther Upper Plate up to 1100 yards.



I like how the Chi-Nu is staying at tier 4
And now you’ll have sudden jump from Chi-Nu to this crazy Ho-Ri at tier 5 lol

Bro, wheres my Chi-To?


Not how WT tanks work unfortunately

My favorite tiger version is finally here <3. Danke danke danke <3

Bazooka for the Soviets???
And when will we get our Panzerschreck???


Yeah, no tanks like chi to or chi ri…

It feels yet again, extremely rushed.


Great to hear that.