Weapons and vehicles of the next update

An FG42-2 for Japs no doubt.

Why does EVERYONE NEED anti tank rockets? Not everyone invested in that technology nor made as many advancements. The RPG-1 was a failure far as I can tell

If the Soviet Union did not need
They will not use these aid equipment from the UK and the US.

I think the Commies have gotten enough American equipment at this point. We should shift from giving Sovies everything we ever made to actually giving the US the stuff the US made. You know, like the M3 Halftrack

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Just small note, M26 will have APCBC shell с:


Overall good update Japan will be almost playable just add Chi-To ASAP to BR 4 and make Chi-Nu BR 3. Here more ideas to fill the Japanese tech tree some rocket planes also will be nice:
My Prediction For Japan Tech Tree After Japan BR 5 is Released - Suggestions - Enlisted

Also for US new LMG will be necessary to keep up with the rest of the factions M2 Stinger:

And maybe one British late war lmg like Vickers K machine gun 60 rounds


Now to add “a complete sentence” to send my appreciation


from a historical perspective
They don’t really need this
Look at those Shermans and P38 47s
And those full-power rifles that have not yet been implemented

Will it have HE shells too, though?

The announcement only mentions APCBC and APCR.


From an American perspective
Screw you, the M3 Halftrack is one of my favorite armored vehicles of all time. I want my M3 APC. I want my M3 75mm GMC

Ah yes, a violation of the guidelines. What guidelines? We all insult each other all the time. Don’t see me getting upset and reporting everything

are they going to add Super pershing this update as well? since even with the APHE the normal pershing can only sometimes go through the turret mask when face hugging especially japs get an impenetrable bunker (ib4 “jumbo” japs could still kill it frontally)

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This is the 2nd best news all day

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This is welcomed, thank you! :+1:

Can you please let me know will tailgunners be fixed for all reported planes on CBR please?

Also no BR adjustments for vehicles or squads, will these be a proper review of tiers again ( BR of axis paras)

Why not add “remove literally everything that wasn’t in service at the time”


That’s very nice at least it will be worth playing that tank vs tiger 2, but are we going to have the HE shell too?

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The M82 APCBC shell?


yes, it has no other APCBC shell


If only the Heavens would send us also properly functioning bipods…


I want realistic mechanics like eat, drink, sleep and going to the toilet for our soldiers. Only that way Enlisted could become so authentic that ww2 veteran would think it’s a real life. :joy_cat:


And a wide array of STDs too.