Weapons and Vehicles Of The Next Update Japan

So here few more things that Japan can have in the next update to be added if you don’t know where to expand Japan this will be interesting options :

Planes as you know Japan lacks BR III planes :
So we move D4Y1 to BR III:

We add Ki-108 Kai to BR III :

We add B7A2 Ryusei to BR IV:

Small Arms :

Sig ke-7 50-round magazine to BR IV:

Hino Komuro Rifle 15 rounds to BR V:
Hino Komuro Rifle

Tokyo arsenal model 1927 stick mag to BR IV:

Prototype Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal (basically Ko Rifle with optic ):
Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal
Scope 3
Scope 2

Semi-automatic rifle prototyped by the Army in the early days before World War II with a bird’s-eye view of the military situation in the world and various
possibilities in mind. As a result, it was a rifle that was not adopted due to the cost of production
, the problem of mass production, the
amount of ammunition consumed, and various other problems.
As a result, the Imperial Army entered the war between Japan and the United States with the bolt-action Type 38 infantry, which was provisionally adopted in Meiji 38 and contributed to
the victory of the Imperial Army after the Russo-Japanese War, as the main
rifle. Along the way, an improved version of the Type
99 infantry rifle with increased lethality was added, but as a result, it fought a world war against the United States, Britain, and Europe with the
main armament that had been outdated since the Meiji era.
It seems that there is a common interpretation that the former army had no foresight and led to the defeat of the
war only by rigid mental theories, but various weapons such as automatic rifles and
submachine guns have been prototyped and examined.
It’s just that we were too poor to afford
costly weapons. When a poor country with no haves fights against a rich country
with abundance, the only
thing to rely on other than intelligence is mental strength. … Like the U.S. military,
there is no need
for mentality in the military, without thinking about the issue of replenishment and cost. … Many foreign countries, in the face of a hopeless difference in national power, give up on war
and succumb to the great powers and submit to them. Sadly, the country that calls itself Japan chose to fight rather than be
humiliated. Even if you avoid the outbreak of war until
the last minute, and make concession after concession … Racism is at the root of it, and I couldn’t help but draw my sword in the face of the
nasty diplomacy of the United States.
I think it’s just that we were forced into that situation… This rifle, which was prototyped by Japan’s defense personnel
with an eye on the next generation, may not be adopted, but I feel that I can see the traces of
trial and error of such predecessors …

As you know Japan don’t have many options for late war peridium squads so here few that can be added to spend your money on:

Paratrooper Squad With Scoped Type 99 BR V:

Combat Engineer Squad equipped with Type Hei 20 round rifle BR V:
Combat Engineers

Chi-Ri II BR IV:


Few Gold Order Weapons :

1.ZB -26 modified to shoot 6.5x50 mm Arisaka with 30 rounds curved mag :
ZB -26 30 round mag

2.General Liu Rifle :

3.Sichuan Submachine Gun:

4.SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds:
SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds

  1. Set of Silencer weapons Type 99 and Nambu :
    Suppressed Nambu 1935 1

Event Squad Paratroopers BR V Equipped with Type 2 1934 Model 2A chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka:
Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka

Japanese Paratrooper


Only Army planes please if we talk about planes


With 610 RoF this thing is a DP knockoff. DP 28 with 47rounds is barely adequate for BR 3.
Type 99 MG should get it’s recoil and dispersion lowered to be same to Type 96 and be put to BR 4.

Worst gun in the game - no damage, abyssmal reload time and recoil is still too high.

Should be added to progression to snipers as Japan doesn’t have a single decent scoped gun.

You mean - add 20 round Hei as a progression assault rifle?

Well not exactly is a bit better then DP 28 no mag on top and this is Japan so BR IV will be fine but yes it can easily be BR III weapon.

Yes but its the only option for semi automatic scoped rifle for Japan for BR III

It can be but they will carry the special paratrooper version of Type 99 and you will have 6 members with scopes not 3 like in a LMG squad.

well it can be added a version without the shield in the progression system

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I disagree. I think it is better we get a Paratrooper squad with the paratrooper variant of the Type 99. We have Paratrooper squads, there were various weapons designed specifically for Paratroopers. It’s better to make a match

I think the Sniper Type 99 could either be added as research or a Premium MG squad


D4Y1 is a BR2 plane AT BEST. This plane is WIDLY overrated in this game. D4Y3 would be alright in BR3

Im sorry but this is a stupid suggestion, would add nothing, it can’t carry bombs and it’s a high altitude bomber hunter. Ki-45 Tei or Ki-102 Otsu(with bombs) would be better.

Ok, but only as long as we get a scoped Type 96 in the tech tree!

I think a Type Hei auto with that Shield would be a great premium engi squad weapon. Good suggestion! Otherwise I’d like to see the Type Hei Auto 20 in the tech tree.

This thing would also be useless. It can’t carry bombs.

The Pavesi would like a talk with you. I like both but god they are bad.

That’s also fine there is paratrooper version of type 99 with a silencer ^^

I know D4Y2 would be very good plane sadly we have D4Y1 :frowning:

its an army plane and Ki-45 Tei its not BR III plane KI -108 Kai is BR III plane or Ki-43-III otsu But i like KI-108 for a simple reason its fast for its BR and its different plane Japan don’t have fast planes on BR II so it can be added to BR II or III but its important to have it cuz its army plane and its very fast you can intercept enemy planes something you cant do with Zero. To be honest Japan don’t have a single lower BR interceptor so trust me its very important to have this plane at lower BRs

There is special paratrooper version of Type 99 so its different then the one in the BR.

That’s why i made it premium the soviets have similar the P-63-A-10. The other option is Ki-83

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You mean D4Y3?

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yes D4Y2 is the one with rockets sorry I’m trying not to add rocket planes cuz for some reason they are not adding them to Japan

Then add the Ki-44, it was fast AF amd cpuld carry bombs too.

Oh! I see, my bad.

Well the D4Y3 also doesnt have rockets but it has three 250kg bombs!

Well Ki-108 Kai is faster and has better guns its much better interceptor you have 37 mm cannon on this thing why do you need bombs so much. This thing has 37 mm Ho-204 cannon and 2 x 20 mm Ho-5 cannon very good for booming and zooming while with the Ki-44 you will not add nothing better then the Zero. We can add Ki-44-II hei to BR II as option to the Zero but for BR III definitely Ki-108 Kai Fire Power and Speed not gonna mention the unique look.

as far I know the thing from kokura you shared it never existed and what we see it’s a reproduction fantasy made

Consider that most semi auto with more than 10 round are still br4, this gun should also be br4.

This will be similar to PPSh-41 (Box), so it should also be br3.

Combat engineer will use progression assault rifle instead of event weapon.

Great list. I would personally like to see the Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka as a potential AR for Japan at BR V. This can finally give the Type Hei Automatic Rifle some competition being an extremely stable platform.


Ki-61 Ostu and Ki-43 variants for BR II and III armed with 100kg or 250kg bombs. At low tier air support is pretty much nonexistent both the P-38 and P-51 are a huge pain.


Well not a single copy remains yes they where only 2 model A and model B and B is converted to use optics. We have documentation about them however and replicas of this KO rifles are made.

‘’ The Prototype Automatic Rifle Ko (hereinafter referred to as “A”) is an automatic rifle that was competitively produced with the B and B items, and is an infantry gun, machine gun, and sniper rifle according to the Army Technical Headquarters Armament Research Policy established in July of the 9th year of the Taisho era.However, priority was given to the modification of the eleven-year-old light machine gun and the development of machine guns for aircraft, so the start of development was delayed until Showa 7. After that, development proceeded, but in Showa 13, the National General Mobilization Law was enforced, and the production of automatic rifles was discontinued because it was forced to urgently increase the production of Type 38 infantry guns.‘’

The sniper rifle version of the model B is made in Showa 9 or in 1934 in Kokura Arsenal but it was never adopted. So around 1934 they tried to make model B to a sniper rifle in 1938 the project was abandoned it was too expensive and complicated.

Youre right, the Ki 108 its a way more powerful aircraft but this is an Ifantry game, right? A high altitude interceptor would provide very little value, in this game. Its weapons are very good but have you ever used the BF 110 G2? Even with its monster armament its not that good at killing infantry, its rockets are good at that, mot the cannons. The cannlns are for Anti-Tank but the Ki-108 doesnt have the penetration for that.

this is what I was looking for

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this weapon, definitely would be a good counter to the M2 carbine. The 6.5×30mm Type 95 has basically identical muzzle enegergy(power) as the .30cal Carbine at around 1300J

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