Weapon damage drop

Hi folks,

I have the follwing question which I hope, one of you can answer:

The weapon damage is specified in the weapon details for certain distances (e.g. k98k 10m=25.4; 100m=19.8; 200m=16.0 and so on).

Does anyone know if the damage decreases linearly or exponentially between the given distances, or if it is absolute between the distances?

So the above k98k has the damage of 25.4 up to 99m and then drops abruptly to 19.8 at 100m?
Or does it only have around 21 damage at 190m, for example?

That would be very interesting, as it makes quite a difference in terms of “better” bullet to kill and thus time to kill ratio.

If, for example, one weapon does just under 13 damage at 300m and would therefore no longer kill a soldier with a vitality perk, while the other is just over 13 at 300m, the latter weapon would be clearly the better weapon in the event of an abrupt drop in damage, as it could still be used to make one-shot kills over 300m up to the next damage drop-off point - in the case of the k98k at 400m. However, if the damage drops gradually, the “worse” weapon might still be able to make a one-shot kill at 290m and the “better” weapon would no longer be able to do so at 310m.

The difference in when the respective weapon makes a one-shot kill (always in relation to center-mass hits) is therefore 100m if the damage drops off abruptly and perhaps only 10 or 20m if the damage drops off gradually.

So, if anyone here knows how the game handles this, I would be very grateful for an answer.

Stay frosty,

you can check damage dropoff here

but fast answer is here

Hi Robihr,

thank you so much, exactly what I was looking for, or even more :slight_smile:

That is not the official application made by DarkFlow. I highly doubt that the damage over distance graph is accurate. A lot of FPS game uses a step function to calculate damage drop off. For Enlisted we don’t know if the damage between two distances is calculated using a linear interpolation function or a step function.

This app is not finished you can see that the recoil pattern of the PPSh-41 is inaccurate.

well i dont use it for recoil… although dispersion should be relatively accurate.

well i dont see a reason why damage calculation should be step function. you waste basically no time to calculate damage based on distance compared to step function.

It’s linear


You shouldn’t trust it, to replicate the dispersion pattern require reverse engineering the game to figure out how the dispersion function work, needless to say it’s very complicated and time consuming process.

All the user know is the seed number for the dispersion function. Also a weapon dispersion varies at different conditions like stance position, duration of fire, mounting state.

well it is easily reproducible by going on the range, aiming at one spot and shooting one by one bullet. you could probably get formula with some math and data from range.

Or you can do what I did like 2y ago and ask helper (Euthymia07 in this case).

Sadly I don’t remember exact formula any more and I can’t find this conversation.
I think ot was an angle of a cone of fire (that’s max distance from the aiming point). And bullets go rng in this area (no gauss or anything like that).

I don’t think the dataminers know the game functions as there is no source code in the game folders. From what I understand the dataminer read plain text values from a configuration file and organize the values onto a spreadsheet, very useful.

What I was referring to is to get the exact reproduction of the dispersion function require knowledge of low level programming and how computer memory work. Also I don’t want to derail the thread further as OP got their answer.

I guess it’s a possibility.
Or she might have asked devs about it.

Get stock RNG function with limits and you have your answer.


I remember asking a question like this on the forums before lol. I think Enlisted should make the damage more clear to understand