Weapon "attachments" in enlisted vs other games

Some unspecified f2p game 1:

Some unspecified f2p game 2:

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So in other games players unlock and buy attachemnts but in Enlisted to have an “attachment” you have to unlock and buy a new weapon.



This is a difficult problem. Customization sometimes creates nightmares.


That’s why I posted a customization that I concider good.
And it’s not a difficult problem. It’s quite straight forward allthough it’s up to personal “taste”.

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I’m very much okay with the minimalistic attatchment system in Enlisted. Sometimes simplicity is good. Also not having to spend orders on all kinds of attatchments is nice.


My point is that instead of spending orders on attachments, we spend orders on whole weapons.

IRL every regular Kar could equipp a grenade launcher device. But in game it’s a separate weapon, that you have to grind, buy and upgrade.
Not to mention the AT rifle grenade. Current situation we have is: "You want to shoot a different bullet? Buy a new weapon that is totally unrelated to the prewious one :wink: ".
The same with tanks. Different shell or paint job? A different tank!

I wasn’t clear in the OP so I edited it.

I mean, sure, but I feel like they’d cost as much as a whole ass weapon, not to mention they’d still need to be unlocked so we are basically at square one. The only benefit a system like this would bring is not having to separately upgrade both the normal weapons and the weapons with the attatchments.

Knowing DF that would be the case.

So it has more advantages than the current system that has none.

DF won’t change proggresion so it doesn’t really matter tbh.

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Well, as far as I know, at least for the soviets,

Sniper rifle mosins, weren’t actually the same as normal infantry one.

Material and accuracy were actually different.
Otherwise you wouldn’t normally have given scrubby rifles to snipers.

( which it’s what we kinda do in enlisted. But somehow magically the weapon becomes better depending on how many stars the weapon got . So… idk. I don’t think it’s wrong to assume the weapons are different, because technically they are. As it’s not that if you stick a scope on a weapon, it magically turns into a sniper. But it’s messy because of the upgrade nature )

P.s. how dare you random red guy affiliated to some sort of repubblic thingy. blue are better because they represent f r e e d o m e.


Correct. All sniper rifles minus many SVT 40s or G43s had to have special machining done to attach a scope. You couldnt simply slap a scope on like you can now adays.

Bayonets and grenade launchers should he simple attachments


Strength in unity you rebel scum.


Tbh I included sniper variant only for “propaganda purposes” as they indeed were different.


Kar98K, Kar98K pre-war, Kar98K sniper, Kar98K Grenade launcher… Those whole things needs some change, yes

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I don’t know if the Soviets did this too, but when the rifles were at the factory and test shot. The best ones for 5rnds (cold bore) were hand selected and designated to be sniper rifles.

They are in essence, different than the line infantry rifles that were issued (beyond the machining needed to fit a scope).


It still wouldn’t hurt to be able to use different scopes. K98s have like 5 I can think of off the top of my head. The Mosin had the PEM and the PU. The Springfield had a Unertl 8x and a 4x that I forgot the manufacturer of. The tommies had the No.32 on their Lee-Enfields and Pattern 1918 scopes on P14s that were used as snipers into I believe Korea