you need to add warehouses to enlisted so as not to look for what you have there and add the distribute to all button and then select a weapon and it will be issued to everyone depending on the availability in warehouses
why not?
or do you want to look for weapons and not immediately take them from the warehouse
My mental health need to be be safe lr at least th
0,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% i still having
This fight is covered by an imba named Madsen.
Why not? I keep losing my gold order and event weapons everywhere.
We also have engineers special hammers. Haven’t found them in ages.
A warehouse system like this would be of great help sorting my things.
Too much desorganization to My preference…
They should just add filters or “search” button for the unassigned guns
It’s the “assigned” weapons that are difficult to find—you have to look through every single squad you have to find a specific weapon (including squads in the reserve). Not very efficient!