We need more punishment for quitter

as you see now a day you have matchmaking that well kind very nice (sarcastic). so that a lot of time game will become 1 side war. well really is not one side war if ppl is not left the game and just use communicated to fight, but many ppl don’t ever try and left the game cause when you left the game you not lose anything for sure just got it less. and don’t ever say you still have bot, well I can say bot is better that some stupid camper for sure but still it suck with fight a lot some of them not ever you weapon in they hand to shot enemy in front of them lol. add punishment will help a bit but is not really way to fix but still make ppl stop do that stupid kind of thing.

so my Suggestions is
1.add more punishment (lock squad and all weapon that squad use in that game till that game is end + fine silver from ppl who left the game like 10k-50k)
2.fix you stupid matchmaking I still got throw to the game that only one side have party of ppl and other side not have any party in this game is more op than you think this 10 VS 10 ppl and most party always 4 is 40% of team already.
3.make ppl can join and play mid game all shotting can do why you can’t. and if you do that you not ever need to do punishment to ppl who left the game.
4. just add more player too game for squad mode like up to 15-20 per team and add more victory pt too
5.I know you will not read till this well really you don’t ever care
6.add more reward per time you play in match till the end

I know making video game is hard but sometime you need to think to ppl who play this game too this is just Suggestions from ppl who still like and play you game for over 2year now I just want this game be better not want this game to be dead and fade away that all.


Make it so we can have proximity chat and stop plane cycling then we can start talking.


“Then we can start talking” LMAO

Says the guy who cycles Tiger II, spams impact grenades and quits matches if he sees basically any high tier USSR gear. He’s said he’ll quit matches with Federov, AS-44 or RD-44. Maybe more. He’s also ranted about such useless crap as RMN-50.


The little bird will cry. No matter what. He posts the same BS when Germans are skullfu**ing everyone.


Those weapons are cursed and we don’t have any other tank to use and I’m playing solo most of the time at BR5

I play solo ALL of the time. Sack up.


Too many mouths to feed not enough to meet my quota and thanks to the event now I can’t go looking for matches and I don’t have time to keep quitting to find the right match so I’m forced to play them now.

you say Those weapons are cursed cause you not ever try to fight them and run away like a coward. fuhrer not proud of you fight till the end man.

No one wants to join a game that has been played halfway through, you know the side with a shortage of players is usually at a disadvantage. And joining a game that has been played halfway usually means you won’t get the experience bonus provided by combat hero.


If you wanna play the cancer which is public matches go ahead and knock yourself out while I stay in custom game lobbies or lone fighter or the big action mode where it’s not so miserable.

Don’t bother using that stuff on me it’s not gonna work considering I’m from the warhammer universe and I only want more fire to fight fire with fire but no one wants that to happen

SO you are really heretic who run always from battle like coward brother.


this has been brought up before and my responses has been the same. i do not own an obligation to a team that doesn’t at least try to get to the objective, nor do i owe an obligation to sit in an unfun match to people who spam explosives.


No I just didn’t wanna sit inside of a kill box when I could be playing the big action mod or lone fighter where it’s fun.

all I scent is heresy in your, no one should runaway form the battle not meter what and who did it should pay the cause of it.

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Have fun in your masochism chamber then

you are the one who do.

Okay, bye. This is more likely the worst suggestion I have ever seen here.

Lol, this is maybe even worse.

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If you believe that then you should start spreading this picture around so everyone knows I’m a coward and I’d rather stay in custom games or lone fighters or the big action mod instead of playing the misery which is public matches.

oh I think you just show yourself now btw.

no there’s just no benefit in playing in public matches if you’re an F2P player at BR5

  1. is not that bad problem is game is mostly too short to do it that more like problem so ppl can just get battle hero like that. well mostly battle hero giving sometime is odd too.
  2. well maybe yes but for some game mode like assault 10 ppl is to less for sure that game mode kind suck too.