We need more capacity for AVT or AVS

AVS - 65k and so bad it got removed from service after the Winter War (and most were lost there).
AVT - Number depend (300kish from some sources), but production lasted less than a year because it was bad.

Also wort noting that these rifles were so bad that soldier were not allowed to use the auto mode.

Needs one in the back

I don’t mind that FG-42 paratrooper rifle 42 / light machinegun as per description Enlisted

Using only paratroopers )))

The Browning automatic rifle (BAR ) is a family of American automatic rifles and machine guns

improve characteristics and transfer to automatic rifles :wink:

small note.

it’s kinda funny how we are at “each other’s throat” for a problem that have been created by developers.

because number of production means no longer anything.
since we took the proto route. ( and then again, stug III G being a premie. yet tiger II P being a TT unlock. G41 snipers being premie. but mkhb with scope is a TT. and many other similar cases )

yet, we are too afraid to make realistic weapons because… of balance… or something.

so we’re in this limbo that it’s somewhat realistic, yet totally fairy tales ( ex, japan br V, fgs being given like candies, ww1 rifles and protos outperforming the whole ussr & USA TT )

fun times indeed.


If you cant use AVT and AVS in auto mode, why not?

You already have five best SMGs in the game (across br2-5), two best ARs in the game, 2nd best MG in the game (the best lmg if we won’t count M2 Stinger and only count TT), body armor, most maneuverable planes and still want more?

Interesting position for the Axis player

Maybe me shouldn’t shoot :rofl:
and making frags only bayonet :laughing:

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You went historical.

And as far as I know, the AVT and the AVS were the sole automatic rifles that were so bad that soldiers were not allowed to use the full auto mode.

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That is that? Can you explain?

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Like Stg44, FG-42 :wink:

that were so bad that soldiers were not allowed to use the full auto mode


Any evidences for that?
And your emojis are gay.

  1. Machine Carbine Promoted M. P. 43 Is Now “Assault Rifle 44” Tactical and Technical Trends, No. 57, April 1945.
  2. GERMAN AUTOMATIC RIFLES 1941–45 Gew 41, Gew 43, FG 42 and StG 44 CHRIS McNAB

you read more so you don’t live in a bubble :wink:


this is from your source.

Its a warning that data is inaccurate, you either have selective eyesights or you are ignorant and only accept information which confirm your opinions.

Please give me an example of a Soviet or USA weapon that is radically better in characteristics than Germany’s?

Hope 3 braincells witheach be enought?

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Realistically speaking, bayonet should give extra recoil - not a reduction.


SVT-38 has double the reload speed of the G41.
Fedorov does more damage and has less dispersion than anyother assaulter weapon in game.
Pps-42 has higher fire power than MP40 and less recoil at the same time.
Ppsh41 stick mag has literally broken dispersion.

I was not talking about US.


Did you provide any evidence other than words?

  • No

you either have selective eyesights or you are ignorant and only accept information which confirm your opinions :wink:

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you want IRL example or game example?

cause for game example it is pretty easy, just compare soviet ppsh41 and german captured ppsh41.

the funniest shit about FG42 bayonet, that its literally on the weapon and all the devs need to do is extend it.

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