We need more campaign levels and more battle pass levels, quick!

By now, many of my friends has already complete one of four nations (count two german seperately). And if they level up even faster, some of them is nearly complete two of four nations.

Also current battle pass season havent past half, but many players already nearly complete entire lv60.

The campaign level is the main level of this game. By level up, you get new squads, new weapons, etc. If you reached lv26, anymore campaign XP you gained wont be recorded.
Also, players tend to not like to play all four nations. Some even prefers to play only one nations. If they reached to the top levels of that nation, their willing of playing the game would be decrease.
The battle pass level is the main “silver” tickets source. It has a finite level. If you reached lv60, then there’s almost no more silver/gold tickets for you anymore.

You can still get silver tickets after battlepass >lv60.

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I think that battle pass at certain point (that is past level 60) should only award random tickets.


so… you completed 1 campaign and 1 army… congratulations (you did that post because you want everybody knows it, no?)
first complete all campaigns with all armies and then ask for more :rofl:

only you and your friends completed an entire campaign (with 1 army) 99% of the player base is still leveling.

for the next campaigns, don’t use premium account and premium squads to slow your progress and won’t be bored


those are the definition of P2W anyway.

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pay to fast.

you won’t win all matches if you pay 100.000$

you can pay for everything, and a free to play player can kill you in 1 shot

Not always


Don’t come in here demanding more content for you and your firends NOW! or QUICK!

The game will never be able to keep up with those that consume content on a massive scale. The devs are not able to add new content at the speed that you can consume it.

Their only recourse will be to slow down the rate and the level of XP that it takes to level up in both campaign and battle pass.

And if they slow the rate of progress so that people like you and your friends don’t rush to end game so fast then that increases the grind for everyone else.

If you and your friends have already gotten everything you can out of this game then there are other games out there that you can play until more content becomes available here.


I repeat, maybe I don’t explain.

A free to play player can kill you in 1 shot the same as a paid player can kill a free to play player. put 2 players with same squads, same weapons and same perks.

free to play player will spend 1 month to reach that level
paid player can spend 100.000$ and reach in 1 hour.

a free to play player can kill him the same, but will take more time to reach that level. This is why is a pay to fast, not pay to win

I’m not demanding more content.

I’m suggesting Op, don’t use premium if they know will be bored when there is no more content. And he still having more content.
Only capped max level in 1 campaign with 1 army. He has another campaign and 3 armies to level, has a lot of work. Is demanding more campaigns when he did 25% of the content

Sorry, my post was meant for the OP

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Well, Enlisted is game that gets boring too fast using premium and even faster as non premium grind!

That is not true because health perk exists, gambling on perks exists (you can gamble for the best perks without any effort), premium giving you active slots exists, gambling in logistics exists.
This is nowhere near just a convenience, it is an active gameplay advantage.
Also P2W is not about winning entire matches (but sure can be), it is about having too much of an advantage over someone who paid less or didn´t pay.


If you think it’s boring both ways … then find something else that doesn’t bore you … I don’t know about you but my time is too valuable to spend playing a game that I consider to be boring.

Come back later after beta and maybe the game wont be so boring for you

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F2P players can also take those health perks so paying customer cant shot that player either.

And people gain those perk rerolls fast. I think i have over 100 rerolls left on some soldier

You can gain them fast with premium, F2P rerolls are not so fast as you describe here.

After LVL 60 you get random Silver orders.

I already complete moscow soviet long time ago. This post is made by some people in my chatgroup that they are complaining about current level system works and lack of new content to play.
11 of 49 has voted at least complete one of the nations.

Also 5 of 45 has get >lv50 in battlepass.

Tbh, i finished German Normandy campaing like Week ago, maybe 2 weeks, idk, but still play it, because i upgrade soldiers and weapons and prepare for more levels. The better equipment i get now, better it will be for me to get new levels when they arrive.

Sounds like Wehraboos to me

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OP and his friends need to get jobs