Make SF rilfes recoil to be close to SA, with simi default.
there’s BA, high damage low fire rate
then SA, low damage fast fire rate
and then there’s SF that fcks everything up, high damage, fast fire rate, non existent recoil, high cap magazine, auto mode… br5 is just nonsense
Exactly. Imo if we need auto weapons for rifleman, ARs would have been a far better choice for this. It’s both more balanced and more HA.
Just remove the terrible dispersion debuff while moving. That’s literally all the semis truly need. Make them accurate.
I think at the very least, while BR ±1 is still a thing,
BR IV semi autos should be 1 hit kill…makes them stand out in BR V amongst Selectfires and full auto spam…
but they sorta wrecks br 3… …maybe dynamic damage? uptier = 1 shot, downtier = no change
Only reasonable suggestion here.
need to increase damage to 16 or 17. Increase RPM to 450-480. They should compete with automatic rifles.
At this point why not create separate balance for everything?
IS-2 at BR5 works normally but at BR3 it’s basically a skin for T-34-75. And if we go crazy at BR2 it’s a skin for T-70
Imo this opens door for too much BS balancing in the future. Though knowing devs they will use it once or twice and forget about it. Hard to tell as their decisions are almost random.
i dont see that increase of damage making any difference
Stuff like this could be solved if they had a 0/0 matchmaking and moved the mkb to level 4
Dark Force decision making team