We CAN'T Level UP fighter squad

it’s impossible for you to lvl max with a fighter squad.

Let’s take an exemple:
You are a little more than half way from the max lvl campagn.

  • You reach lvl 25 in Berlin campaign and unlock the BF109-G10. It’s a nice plane.
  • You get for each plane shot down about 300xp.
  • It require 16 000 exp to go from lvl1 to lvl 2.

=> To get from squad lvl 1 to squad lvl 2 you will need to shot 52 airplane.
And there is 27 level in total, all the level take more experience than the previous one.


We should get a +200% bonus when taking down plane using a fighter plane, or decrease the amount of experience required.


Funnily enough I’m doing exactly that, it is a matter of luck but bombs help level fighters, not sure if you can put fighter II in BF109 with bombs.

I have found that strafing ground with BF109K 30mm and bf109 g10 GunPods and 20mm strafing is quite effective…

But planes have always been an end game thing, I took a long time to max out my planes, still not done yet, luckily I love flying and providing air cover more than boots on ground, so it’s been a slow but reasonably enjoyable experience for me.

If you play busy servers and right time of day, there are a lot of planes to shoot down too.

All I can say it is possible to level these squads, but it takes soooo much time there won’t be many players willing to sacrifice their time to reach the end. At one point I wasn’t sure if I’m going to do that either, but I want to max all squads so here I am.

I’m also against Figher planes without any bombs or rockets and I hope in the future they will stop this nonsens, and also add some bombs to these existing already in the game.

About faster leveling up these “pure fighter” squads (Berlin Axis / Tunisia both sides) the best place is the Lone Fighters mode, unfortunately sometimes there is full server of 50 players, but… on modded server, so no XP at all.

After all I am quite decent pilot in this game, all my destroyed aircraft except maybe 150 of total kills were all by flying planes (all planes)
Planes destroyed

what this guys stated.

go to lone fighters.

you will level said squads easly with 0 to no effort.

Tunisia is the worst campaign to level fighters. Even the P-38 (best strafing plane in the campaign) is really hard to get kills with because you can’t see infantry until they render way too late.

Ence why we recommend you and anyone that wants to grind said squads to go play lone fighters.

On solo mod it’s 50 vs 50., there’s is always someone spawning tanks or planes. Always one die, another will spawn after a few seconds.

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Shooting down a plane gives pathetic ammount of points for how much effort it requires.

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Always more love for fighters.

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Yeah but thats no final solution (especially if you dont like lone fighter).
IMO the game overall needs to reward fighter pilots again. Nearly no one plays them unless they have a good payload (cough P-51). And Df only increase the intensity here by adding fighters without payloads (and which are sometimes not really better than the earlier unlocks).

And thats bad because saside from AA guns they are the sole direct answer to bombers.

What happens if I put my fighter pilot II currently rank 3) in my maxed out 109 G6, with bombs, will that level him up?

It never matters the soldier you put in your squad (infantry or vehicle), you always level up squads you play with, soldiers are leveling up separately.

In your case if you don’t have your “Fighter II squad” leveled up enough (Red upgrades) you can’t rise your fighter pilot II rank/stars, even if you put him into maxed out “Fighter I squad”.

Surely the bomb kills would be attributed to him though right? Otherwise I won’t bother…

Where does that kill XP go to then, Fighter I already maxed.

All soldiers / pilots / tankers have their own upgrades in their related squads that let them rise rank/stars, if you have those upgrades unlocked then you can put whatever soldier into whatever squad and level them up there.

Example, you unlocked all “Red upgrades” in your Fighter II squad that let your fighter pilot II to rise his rank up to 5 stars, then you can put that pilot II into Fighter I squad and freely earn XP in battles, also raise his rank.


If you don’t unlock these “Red upgrades” in your Fighter II squad, then your fighter pilot II when put in the same Fighter I squad will still gain XP in battles, but only up to his current rank/star level (let it be 2 or 3 or whatever) and you can’t use your bronze orders to raise his rank.

And you must play with Fighter II squad to level that squad upgrades for your fighter pilot II, and you can do it using fighter pilot I/II in Fighter II squad.

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Thanks for being so clear, so I guess is Bf109-G10 with 2 cannons and GunPods, of 109 K 30mm which seems to work relatively well against infantry and ground… as I must use jg301 Fighter II squad

Honestly, it will take you forever to level up Fighter II squad in Berlin trying to hunt enemy infantry there, of course Bf 109 K4 with 30mm cannon will be much better choice for infantry, but I wouldn’t count on many kills anyway with this aircraft. Your best chance would be flying in Lone Fighters using Bf 109 G-10, much better at shooting down aircrafts and you should really focus on enemy planes if you want to max out this Fighter II squad.

Yes you must use this Fighter II squad I./JG301 if you want to unlock upgrades there, using fighter pilot II in other squads will not contribute towards Fighter II squad XP.

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