We are going to Tunisia!

“British Boys anti-material rifle”

Something wrong here?

Should this be “British Boys anti-tank rifle”

Boys anti-tank rifle - Wikipedia.

Yeah the war diaries are interesting reads.

I mean technically yes and no.

It is an rifle, Anti-Tank, 0.55, Boys by official designation, but commonly known as the above (Boys Anti Tank), but, as it was designed to take on materials rather than humans, it is also classed as an Anti Material rifle.

So, no it’s not wrong, but it doesn’t sound quite right either.


I think “anti-material” is a relatively modern term - dunno when it started being used, but I’d put a dollar on it being back-applied to anti-tank rifles now.

I hope attention to detail will be done, let the Italian tank have an Italian squad who also speak Italian.

Now that would be a nice touch!

But for squads, they will be there:

I do wonder when they say Italian squads, whether we see a mix of German and a Italians or just all Italian units. And likewise, wether we have a mix of US troops from Operation Torch’s landings or if it’s purely 8th Army.

Not very often Brits get represented in WW2 FPS games, so, look forward to playing them!


yay finally we got tunisia…but what about the bot overhaul you promised us months ago?

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I do hope that we will be getting premium german units for italy forces!

i love that we are going to Tunisia and focusing on anyone but Germany…

But slight issue.
We already have Italian and british weapons in Normandy/Berlin such as the FNAB-43, Enfield Mk IV and Piat.
While i understand some of these wont appear in Tunisia as they werent available at the time, others will be, such as the Enfield IV (1941), while the more favorite/iconic weapons will be omitted for chronological purposes (Piat- 1943, STEN Mk II- 1942), and if we make another campaign (1943 for the defense of italy, 1945 for the push to berlin), then we’ll have to grind 90% of the equipment again, potentially for a third time within yet another nation.

One of the big issues in the game is with this chronological progression across multiple campaigns, you grind for the same items to varying degrees, IE the Mp 40 is available in all campaigns, in Moscow its an end game unlock, but in Berlin its unlocked extremely early, leaving Moscow players frustrated as they spent exponentially more time grinding an item practically handed to Berlin players, and i dont think i have to explain why people dont just play ALL the campaigns.

Are these other items going to be left in their campaigns, detracting from the value of Tunisia? Let’s face it, in 1941/42 neither the Italians nor the brits were exactly at their A-game on weapons, and if the end game unlocks end up being equipment already in Normandy and Berlin, why bother with the worse early campaign grinding apart from personal bias to the nation (IE, some people will play Tunisia solely out of being a fan of the British or out of being a fan of the desert theme, rather than playing the campaign for the content itself.

Believe me im a huge fan of the way the game is going, but if you have to have 15 unique campaigns just to give the basics of early and late war for each main power, this game will become grinding the same things over and over and over or, as ive seen theorized, people will grind Mp40s in Berlin as they unlock extremely early, then transfer them over to Moscow and skip a massive grindwall (i havent tested this to see if you can actually do this but this IS gaijin after all, and regardless it will still be used to farm these weapons as Berlin grants a MUCH smaller pool to get said late game unlocks from bronze orders)

i digress, the game will be a mess if we have 15 campaigns to queue for, and have to grind the same old rifle or SMG for the third, fourth, fifth etc time. I havent seen any word from devs on this yet, but we only have 3 playable campaigns and its already a hot topic. What happens when we have 7 or 8 campaigns?

In other news, they told that the possibility to transfer weapons between campaigns is being added. This will supposedly mitigate the problem.


I’m hoping that while you CAN transfer weapons, they can’t be equipped until they are unlocked, meaning a tier 1 player cant equip all their units with high end guns from the offset. but a veteran player of say moscow and tunisia can move MP40s and such once they have been unlocked.

Bots will always be a WIP … dont expect too much …

i dont see no problem in grinding same weapons on a diferent campaign, if, said campaign also have unique items on the techtree.

my only problem , its if they will ever rework the premium squads to have the exact options of upgrades as non premium ones.
so , if i have to buy a squad to play tunisia, atleast said squad could be worth/usefull after, not just another squad.

Will be the first campaign that i switch from Axis!

i will play axis instead since finally we can see some love to italian equipment and troops


When? It has been a long time and still no news about the new levels in existing campaigins. Most of players in my friend list havn’t been online for months since they got nothing new to play. Holding out finished contents in old campaingins would not encourage players to pay for another new campaigin because of repeation in weapons and vehicles.