Way to optimise and customise field gear

Hi! Let me introduce optimisation model for current ingame field gear without corrupting your stockpiles. As a basic showmodel I choose RKKA in Moscow battle (aka operation Typhoon), because I’m grinding it now.

Basic equipment includes must have items, that don’t change soldier performance. That is: belt, bread bag (or in some cases - gasmask bag in similar use), canteen. Basic equipment is always shown on model, and have different submodels, that you have to choose.

  • belt, enlisted, model 1939
  • belt, enlisted, model 1941 (ersatz)
    ремень поясной рядового составав КА, тесьмяной_5-800x800
  • belt, enlisted, US model (lend-lease)
    unnamed (1)
  • gas mask bag model 1939
  • bread bag model 1940 (in sevice since 1941)
  • Canteen model 1909
  • Canteen model 1926 (regular on the left, medic/late on the right)
  • Canteen model 1932 with model 1937 cover (canteen actually introduced in 1936)
  • Ersatz canteen model 1941 in model 1941 (simplifed universal type) cover
  • Bandolier model 1915 (soviet version)
  • Y-straps model 1936 (optional item, can perform in different colours: khaki, green, dull gray)
    PKKA rakmed (1)

Items, that improve performance.

  1. Small pouch. Have diffferent models, that you can choose
  1. Small greande pouch
  • RGD-33 2-cell pouch
  • F1 2-cell pouch
  • F1 3-cell pouch
  1. Big ammo pouch - two differnet (or how you choose) ammo pouches on both sides of the belt (or two LMG bags)

  2. Big grenade pouch - similar too big ammo pouch

  3. Small bag. Have two different types of slots: multislot, where you can equip ammopouch, grenade pouch, FAK or tools, and regular slot, where you can equip only FAK or tools. Small bag capacity +1 miltislot + 1 regular slot (mention, that small pouches occupy 1 multislot and big ones - 2 multislots, so you can not place big ammo or grenade pouch with small bag)

  1. Big bag. Have + 2 multislot + 1 regular slot
  • Haversack model 1936
    unnamed (3)

  • Rucksack model 1940
    Opera Снимок_2021-12-14_121611_www.aboutww2militaria.com

Cosmetic items, that you can buy through logistics.


Have nice and productive day.


When I saw the title I was afraid it was a suggestion about “customization” of weapons like that horrible cod game :laughing:

But most of what you posted are cosmetics wich is nice, I’d love being able to customize my men with different field attire. Although I hope (ahah though luck!) The snail won’t monetize it too much and will restore all the cosmetics on soldiers models that were removed BEFORE implementing the monetized customization feature.


Canteens could be nice to regain stamina faster

Castomisation process can involve more people in subgame processes. So, spending more time in the game, more activites - can make game more popular. So, if castomisation options will cost 1 bronze per optional item - you will grind slightly more, that incrase time spend in sessions.

Profit+profit (and more profit).

Agreed, I’d just like the devs to restore all the removed cosmetics from the uniforms, like before. There would still be a ton of options to customize, like all the choices you posted up. Could even be different type/colours of belts like you said first, I know I would spend for these :stuck_out_tongue:

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AFM, canteen badly need to basic soldier equipment, that goes as is. But choosing canteen type - will be entersting.

i like this idea