Warthunder Twitch Drops with Enlisted

Do more of these, more promotions, and plenty of veterans on Warthunder who only plays for WW2 tanks. Do something to attract more ppl, and more promotions. Before Official Release



While i too would love more swag, i assume the way they stopped it indicates it wasn’t bringing much in.

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They def need to give us more gold orders since most new gold order weapons can be now purchased 3-4 times

I thought the whole point of gold order weapon is that it’s rare.
Silly me.


It doesn’t matter since Premium can get 5 super rare weapons instantly even tho nobody manufactured more than single-few copies of those guns. But if you want game to be p2w then go ahead give us even less gold weapon orders.

I think whole point is 750 golds per one weapon lmao.

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