Wait i cant buy my bf 110 g2

i researched many planes … my question is do i need to research and buy bf 110 f2 also? already researched c7 and using it

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Yes, I am pretty sure you also need the F2 before buying the G2 unfortunately.

WHY WHY WHY… i am poor guy i sold some of my soldiers for 22 k
grind is shit, also they should really tell this before researching


Maybe it’s just your misunderstanding
This mechanism has always required mandatory development of early-stage projects.

Also, spoiler, the 3.7 cm cannon on that apparently has no AP value. Making them virtually useless against tanks.

it’s HVAP-HE belt but the HVAP is either bugged or uses the coding that makes tank’s APCR/HVAP almost useless at angles


Can you show your full plane tech tree? Perhaps there’s other stuff you haven’t researched


Like the game already says, you need the previous research in that line: the F-2

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I researched everything, and i need to research f2 to buy g2

Alphabet time! What letter comes before G?? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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BTW is the bugged HVAP beeing worked on?
It has been bugged for a long time and was acknowledged as such but every bigger update so far it was missing from the patchnotes.

shit i think f

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