Voice chat? 🎙

I am trying to use the in game voice chat on pc but unfortunately to no avail.
I hear nobody and nobody seems to hear me.
Do I use it wrong?
Does nobody else use it?
Does it only work when my friends are in the same battle?

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It only works when you’re in a premade squad which is a shame since if the whole team could hear it I would be taking everyone on a trip back to the early 2010s CoD lobbies with the things I’d be saying to some of the idiots I get as teammates. To encourage them, of course.


Which is completely useless as everyone who premade would be using Discord already


Lmao lol

Well that sucks then.
How can a team efficiently fight a battle without communication… :zipper_mouth_face:
I have a few friends but I cant even text chat with them to ask if they use voice chat and for that matter I cant even even ask them to team up ( I can invite them but if they have just started another battle I will have to wait a undetermined time).


good times

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It only work in lone figther solo and with premade squad

Why does the game not provide all this info…
I purchased my headset for (almost) nothing.

Stop with misinformation please…

There is voice chat in game, you just get your friends name, invite to group, they accept you are now able to talk to each other, a lot of people including myself prefer discord and as it’s integrated in ps5 now makes life much easier!

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