VMP 1926 BR Adjustment

Originally, the VMP 1926 was released for the Moscow and Tunisia campaigns. I played a lot of Tunisia back in pre-merge, so imagine my surprise upon coming back last month only to find that the VMP 1926, one of my favorite weapons, is a BR4 weapon and completely unusable in the maps/campaigns that I’d originally gotten it for! Considering it’s basically a Lanchester with a few more rounds, I don’t see why it couldn’t be downrated a BR or even two so it can actually be used in the maps it was released for.

Edit: I mean my main reason is that I can’t even use it in the campaign that I’d gotten it for to begin with, which just feels extremely silly from the outset.

But from a balance perspective, I don’t know a ton about the other nations’ GO weapons so I can only go off their TT stuff. The Soviets’ regular ol’ TT BR2 SMGs are both in the same power category as the VMP, with the PPS-42 having the same ROF with better recoil stats, while the PPS-43’s ROF is significantly higher at 800 while still having lower recoil and slightly faster reloads. If the VMP having 5 more rounds at BR2 gives it a slight edge, and that’s very arguable, well that’s easily justified by it being a Gold Order weapon so it’s not like it’s going to be flooding average Axis players’ armories.

Meanwhile at BR3 the PPSh-41 is clearly still just straight up better with it’s much higher ROF, and the PPD at BR4 seems like a silly comparison to even try to make. So downrating the VMP wouldn’t suddenly swing the balance of SMG power in Germany’s favor. Not to mention the VMP is an older weapon, so locking it to later war maps also feels odd.

Compared to the Allies, at BR2 the Lanchester’s numbers are practically identical to the VMP’s except for the 8 extra rounds. It feels a bit bouncier sure, but on the whole one’s a standard tech tree weapon and the other is a Gold Order. The Owen…well, I’ve never seen anyone actually using it so would a comparison really even matter? At BR3 the Thompsons compare well with it. Sure they have more kick when firing, but 8.2 damage at the same ROF, or higher for the M1928A1, means they can win up close and still only need 2 shots to down someone w/o vitality at 100m. Not to mention the event Thompson that just released that does 8.8 with a ROF of almost 1000, and still does 6.8 at 100m!

Given all those reasons, I just don’t see why the VMP is stuck in a BR where, again, you can’t use it in the maps that it was originally released to be used on. Pre-merge, it was regarded as a quite good weapon in its campaigns, but now it’s pretty much useless since at BR4 the Beretta M38A is extremely similar (and also looks cooler IMO).

Edit: Now with all the Gold Order weapons in the shop I can actually do direct comparison, and it makes even less sense as to why the VMP is in BR4. The Suomi is just as good, some say even better than the VMP and yet it’s BR3.


There are so many weapons that are useless now.

VMP 1926 (as you mentioned) was one of my favorites too and useless.
MKb42H is useless too and does not belong to BR5. Useless, useless, useless,…
The MKb42W was great when I bought it to counter the soviet PPSh41 spam. Now it sits in BR5 (!!!) and is totally useless. If I should ever use it again I have to face AS-44 and other fantasy and way more powerfull stuff. No thank you. This weapon belongs to BR3-4 (somewhat okay damage, absolutely bouncy, only 500rds/min).

I have many gold orders left but I actually dont want to buy GO weapons because of the rediculous BR.


I think VMP is likely to be adjust to BR2.
The 40 round mag in game is incorrect, it should only hold 25 round.


BR2 and a new capacity of 25rds would be so great! Welcome back, beloved VMP!


Question is, Devs will not proactively correct historical issues.
Perhaps you should post a thread suggestion on this.

DF, if they would do the right thing and make level 5 a separate stand alone BR level, that would make all those “now worthless” level 4 weapons good as they could finally be used again. It’s pointless to use them in BR5 since their are better BR5 weapons, but if they did not have to face BR5 opposition they would be perfect in a BR 3/4 match. NTM I could finally play my level 3 allies without having to get spanked by level 5 Japanese.

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They do, even on GO weapons. They changed the firing mode from the G43 Kurz after some years to thie “historic” one.

The fantasy clown shit show aka. BR5 has to be TOTALLY alone.
BR1-3 are great, BR4 for the biggest part too (except the new “american” rocket launcher). F*ck off BR5.

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I’d take a downgrade to 25 rounds if it was put at BR2. It’d basically be an enhanced Beretta M38A at that point. The drum mag always did look pretty small to be holding 40 rounds.

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German has so many weapons/vehicles that they should downtier.
VMP 1926 and STG45/Mkb42 are just most obvious. Kiraly is too weak as BR5 smg too. Breda PG (CR) can’t hit anything with it’s burst and semi is worse than BR4 Breda so either bring it to BR4 or buff accuracy. Panzerfwerfer 42 → BR3


Yeah, let’s cripple down the weapon retrospectively and screw with everyone who bought it with irl money.

Literally a BR1 weapon, not BR2

With 25 rounds, this weapon would be one of the worst smgs at BR2. Just compare it to silenced erma, actually a decent BR2 smg.

Bad take.

Yeah it should be a BR2 vehicle since everyone now has M1 rocket launchers and destroy that worthless vehicle in a single rocket.

“Literally a BR1 weapon, not BR2”

Yeah…it’d be a better version of it, putting it at BR2 instead of 1, sorry that was too complicated for you. Better than BR4 where it’s hilariously outclassed and unable to even be used on the maps it was released for.

I’m perfectly fine with it being downrated as-is, but if they want some kind of justification I’ll take it too.

“With 25 rounds, this weapon would be one of the worst smgs at BR2.”

Worst SMG at BR2? It’d literally be better than everything else the Axis could field on the tech tree besides arguably the MP40/Beretta M1 (which themselves also had to be downrated). All the other SMGs either have a slow base ROF of 450 or are useless at anything but close range/have awful sights like the Beretta 1918/OVP.

Soviets have 690 rof on PPS-42 while also having 35 rounds and good dmg, same with brand new op Chinese thompson or type 2a.
So he is right it would be crap just like awful mp40/m1 that you people are always overrating. Germany is in dire need of better smgs at BR2 and BR3 but a gun with just 25 rounds and same firerate as many br2 smgs of other countries won’t fill that hole.


  • MP40: better than VMP with 25 drum
  • MP38: better than VMP with 25 drum
  • Beretta M1: better than VMP with 25 drum
  • Beretta M1918: better than VMP with 25 drum, even though having significantly worse sights
  • OVP: weapon literally nobody uses
  • obrez: gimmick weapon
  • FNAB: better than VMP with 25 drum, even tho having very low rof.
  • Beretta M38A (BR1 weapon): better than or same to VMP with 25 drum, 5 more rounds in mag are definitely not good trade off for chance to encounter BR3.

Just put current VMP with 40 round drum to BR3. That’s the only change needed.


I dont agree with changing weapon’s mag people bought it in pretext that it was 40 round SMG including me I would much rather they change it to 40 round stick mag which was real otlr at worst 32 round mag which again was real


It’s basically impossible to receive feedback on suggestions which need to change the 3D model. That’s too hard for them.

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Why? They already changed model for MP40 back then. (And are currently considering to change model of Stinger) So they can do that.

Iron sight of M2 carbine.
They have change the aiming angle of the M2 carbine many times in the past three years, but have never attempted to change the terrible back sight model.

I think it’s more likely that they don’t want to change them because they think they’re good enough.

Since they changed sights for new Hyde AR in a matter of days and maybe even just hours.