Visual improvement for german uniforms (better censorship)

I saw this in an earlier topic and found it ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!
This is Exactly what i was thinking… I’m actually very urged to have this on game, would turn me on to spend more money, since i am a hardcore history fan.
I belive this would totally satisfy both moral and legal demands, while satisfying the Historical comunity in which i include myself :slight_smile:


Why though? They are fine right now and are more historical, and not that many countries I am aware of sensor swastikas, and enlisted dosent even have swastikas in game.

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thank you.

nice joke.

i really needed a laugh for the day.

beside, as for op, sure. why not.

it is a bit… weird seeing pea dot camouflage in wehrmacht rank collar tabs.

( they did nailed the volkssturm ones though, and i’m actually very greateful for it. it would be great to… add more to it )

additionally, would be great to get rank patches over the shoulder like in the alpha:

there are couple more too:
such as the feldgendarmerie

( can’t show all of them, because the jacket of the US with patch has been broken with the last update and i can no longer apply patches to it like i did in this old screenshots )

there would be plenty for the allies too.

and since we are at it, would be great to get helmet decals too…

perhaps not 1 0 1, but realistic to be plausible


I was just going after removing the part of it that made you thing “nazi” when you look at it, with the eagle gone it just looks like a generic US looking pair of wings. I’m fine with the patches and other stuff though

Absolutely Gorgeous!

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