Victory in Europe Day!

they should buff the melee damage for shovels, and let players dig faster to keep up with the pacing of the game

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That shovel it’s actually mine on that game, and belive it or not, it was the best thing (visually) I had there lmao

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I feel tempted to try H&G again after two years off, to see how it is now that they have a new publisher :thinking:

did it 1 week ago with @117385290 .

managed to spawn a panther and a tiger 2 , spawned twice as inf, got massive headache just from visuals alone, left the game uninstalled and never to play again.

also, 30 fps with a 11gen processor and a 3080. cool story

30 fps? I would have thought they’d at least optimize better XD

Still, as silly at it may sound, H&G for all it’s flaws had very nice game modes, and a nice rts map. I miss the huge maps with multiple cap zones that allowed different playing tactics.

Enlisted should definitely allow bigger maps and funnier modes than invasion which is merely “swarm this one single point” or the destruction modes I really don’t like… Game is still growing I suppose.


so, You get one ticket after you Complete Both missions? because I done for today and didnt get anything(sorry if my English is bad)

You get a ticket every other day.

Based on my Engineer Day experience, I’d say “constructions used by team” is also a tricky one - in my first game I got a decent team and accumulated ~25/50 points, but the next few games were complete bot farms and I couldn’t force my team to actually use my stuff.

Basically, challenges that rely on your teammates are too inconsistent.

UPD: also, unfinished games shouldn’t discard the challenges completed.
For example. when I need to make 20 kills, I go into a game and make them, but then I leave/get disconnected, the challenge should count as completed since the kills were made.


Then we will need cars. And probably will have AT Rambos. Which is not necessary a bad thing though =)


So, looks like it’s not 8 days for gold order weapon but 10 days. Thanks for providing fake informations again, Darkflow. I’ve completed all challenges of the first 8 days, and nope, now it’s telling me I need to complete 2 more days…


We did make a mistake in the announcement and set the wrong requirement for the Gold Claim.
We bring our changes. This error will not happen again.


Because the same activity will not be carried out for the second time ~ will there be problems again in the future? That’s another activity

So now it’s all 10 days?
Come on! I’ve already skipped 1 day knowing that 2 days off were allowed. You said it.
This is not fair. You have to keep it 8 for this event.

Also, just want to note how hugely different the days are.
Yesterday with 1 flamer per all of my squads I spend like an hour and got 5 kills, gave up and went to bed. 50 flamer kills is kinda insane.

Today it’s 10 kills with pistol and I just did it in one game. The next game I won Tunisia, finished.


I wish we had more of that type. I even managed to shoot down 2 planes while playing Tunisia.

And yeah i did complete all 8 days challenges because i was interested to get the gold order. But now it says 10 days like wtf what if I skipped one of them?

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Fortunately I didn’t skipped any day, but it’s definitely NOT FAIR for those who did, because you said 8 days, even tho it was a mistake, today when I checked it was still mistakenly saying 8 days . it’s YOUR fault and you should compensate those you skipped days thinking it was 8 days, and honestly at that point, just make it 8 days for everyone, and next time, don’t make simple mistakes like that or at least notice it right at the beginning and fix it, instead of saying to your player base afterward : “Sorry, we’re bad, but you’re gonna pay for our mistakes. but don’t worry next time we’ll try to not do it again…” pathetic…


Wow seriously? You guy said 8 days for gold order and I skipped a day keeping THAT in mind and now out of nowhere you say it’s 10 days?! This isn’t right at all!


This is totally unfair against the entire playerbase, and all players should be compensated for this. Enlisted has always been one of my favourite games but now I’m really disappointed.

Also, falling under the map in bunkers like every 2nd game in Normandy (not just in D-Day) is still a thing.
(I have posted this in the bug reports already but with no success (apart from confirmation from other players that they also have this problem), thats why I’m posting it here as well:
D-Day Falling out of the map Bug)

Sometimes it can be an unfair advantage, if you fall under the cap with x soldiers and the same x amount of enemy soldiers are trying to cap it, then they wont be able to, because the solders under the surface are technically invincible.

In every other situation you have x amount of soldiers that can not do literally anything useful (apart from the one mentioned before), and you have to kill your own soldiers and respawn with a new squad.

Since this problem has been there for like a year and has a visible negative impact on gameplay, if I were a developer I wouldn’t ignore this.


Same here, guess I should have considered their track record and assumed it was misinformation rather than caring about people who couldn’t be bothered to get 50 flamer kills… They should make upcoming missions visible ingame so we can check the validity ourselves and make a NEW announcement at once when they discover and fix the misinformation in older announcements instead of stealth editing so noone sees it.


I’ve made time for the game every day but now I won’t get the gold order because I skipped flamer day based on the information you originally provided? You do realize that what you are doing is illegal, right? Mistake or not, you can’t falsely advertise a reward and then retract or amend that near the end of the competition period.


Until the last day I find this issue. because there is no process for the gold order showed in the game. And I was too busy so I only complete 9 days’ mission. I think it was not a big deal because you said it was 8 days’ mission for a gold order. I’ve to say I am very disappointed now. I’ve paid lots of efforts and money on this game and Thunderbolt. And I think it’s unacceptable not to tell me this requirement change before the event starts. I don’t what to say. I even pay coins to complete the mission. If you can not make a customer like me feel happy and fair, how can you make interest? I mean I am the grow-up people usually don’t ask or complain too much and glad to pay for other’s effort.