Surely Darkflow will buff the VG one day right? Right…?
A beautiful gun that only needs the status of a rifle.(Like FG or Kar, for everyone else than assaulters)
Yeah it’s a genuine shame it got sidelined so hard seeing as it’s like -The- Volksturm Gun
No, I’m talking about the fact that it is literally written in the description that this is a semi-automatic rifle.
But the class is written on top - a submachine gun.
It’s really a bullshit.
One of many.
Though I must admit that restricting a “militia” weapon (VG) and unlimited access to “elite” weapon (FG) is one of the most bizarre things I saw.
L - Logic
The best way to buff it - place it to rifle slot…
If you ask me, fuck off historical accuracy give the gun the auto fire and see how become the better early-mid axis smg of the game
That’s why nobody asks you…
That’s sonds like a very bad idea to place sturmgewehr in the middle of progression…
This crap have the same caliber as mp-43 and stg-44 by the way
And? If developers dont want remove it from smg category even with reworked progression the only solution is give him auto fire, or you forget that our smart developers think this slow fire semi-auto gun is the equivalent of the ppd40
Ah yes, let’s make axis “weaker” than it is…
I fail to see how give auto fire to the vg1-5 make axis weaker maybe ahistorical for sure…
You see Is ironic, you are the last one who can talk about weak gun or strong gun
After cried for some additonal recoil point on the avs
And nobody nerfed FG-42 (at the same level as AVS) back then… I’d like to see your cries when they’ll nerf some good german weapon for no reason.
You can keep wait my cry, if the nerf or buff is for balance reason im ok with it
Still you dont answered how a full auto mode on vg1-5 make axis weaker?
Don’t you notice the “” back there?
Quotes (""): Exists
Random italian guy: sees nothing
Thath is not how writing work maybe you need add some body to the text