It would be nice if, instead of just getting something entirely random from the Veteran box, we instead got a token for some rewards.
For example:
If you get whatever % chance for a weapon, it should give you a weapon token, instead of just picking from the pool at complete random. Same for the squads etc.
If I wanted to get for example, a golden Mauser C96. I would have to spend literally 10s of millions of silver to “ensure” that I may get one or two. But if instead I got a token to redeem the item I wanted, I would be able to collect many more of the item I actually wanted, instead of something like a mosin sniper wrapped in bandages, which I may want ONE of to collect, but will probably never use.
Furthermore, we have this system in place now for current events, look at the recent pistol event in which we gained a token to choose a browning high power for any faction, or the Japanese type 14 engraved.