Veteran Box (Silver Chest - Rocket Hail) - My criticism

So, 3 hours ago the devs announced the coming of the ´´Veteran Boxes´´. These are my first impressions for the new silver chests:
I think that event squads should be more important, than event weapons/vehicles. The fact, that event squads from past events, which could be harder to get, are being evaluated around 5 000 silver (1% of getting them, so 5 000 000 silver for 1 event squad - according to statistic) is a problem for me, because some of these squads are very good (like the AT-44 or the soviet paratroopers). So If we combine the price and chance, we get that this is a (little bit rigged) slot machine.
Feels like ´´Let´s go gambling´´ to me.
I don´t care about the event weapons or rename orders (which we even do not have the ability to sell , they are honestly mostly pointless - I don´t want to equip a whole infantry squad with event pistols/melee weapons).
Credit: Quadro & FrenchBVSH
Sorry, If I repeat myself too much. I think veteran boxes are silly. Just make event squads purchasable for a reasonable price (20-30K silver sounds like a reasonable price to me). What do you think?

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30 000 silver would be just the price of 1 event weapon a squad would be more 100K


That is not how it works…
100 times 5k is just 500k and not 5 million…
But then you still forget that you will get loads of event vehicles too which can be even better than a squad and a lot of the silver will be refunded by silver unboxed (statisticly each boxs refunds 1070 silver so they are 20% cheaper when purcased in bulk)
If you factor that in the squad would be just 400k which is still expensive but that is exacly what a money sink is supposed to be in a virtual economy.

While yes the price might be a bit high it isnt exacly terrible for those who have nowhere else to burn their money.

If you cant afford it now you might get a chance later again once it returns likely somewhere next year.


Sorry for the mistakes. More of the community started to discuss the veteran boxes. I just saw the video from Me Admiral Starks on youtube. My main idea is event squads to be easier to get than 1%. I also think that some of the squads should be updated - like silenced MP40 squad getting autumn leaves and camo for winter campaigns, or SAS assaulters getting european uniform liketheir parachute counterparts.

*like their

Yes that’s…gambling. You are correct