Very important customization proposal

Stop fucking tagging me

I don’t understand this argument? Why not fix all the uniforms? Just because one is further along than another doesn’t mean they don’t all need to look better/accurate/immersive.

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It does matter though, the way your characters look, alongside other charcters/AI help the game look better, if done right. Same reason why audio is so immersive, hearing the soldiers voices, the gunshots, explosions, engines, etc. need to be improved to be more accurate and immersive. If your character dies, there’s still a body there regardless, so it’s something a player can see having incorrect gear on.

I have little idea about US uniforms (ingame or irl), but Soviet uniforms need a rework, not just some minor tweaks.

Like wtf is this generic Soviet look in 1942-43 Stalingrad?
That is something from the 1910s Civil War era:

Literally standard issue uniform was this:

And in the winter it was the wool-padded jacket

For some reason other games can do it right


Can I have my sqadds to fight naked pls ?

Well unless the statistics have been changed to remind the current special military operation, where casualties so far is 1 cat due to old age and 2 trucks due to broken tires. The casualties during moscow campaign were quite alot higher on soviet side so yes they were slaughtered.

Obviously with special military operation I mean USA / Nato. Just incase if someone from FSB is intrested.
Also as side note, the ship at black sea WAS NOT destroyed. It was planned tactical maneuver to re-organize atoms.
Just in case if some western sheeps with fake news didnt know that.

Ok let me sum up this topic here real quick:

  1. Stop discussing politics, we all are here for the games sake.
  2. Uniforms need to be more accurate. Doesnt matter if the enemy will see it or not. IT MATTERS because it bothers to see fake uniforms across all campaigns, specially the premium ones.
  3. Some faces are poorly made, others are ok. But moreover: Make the headgear fit well with the actually head.

I would like to point out, that the historical pictures the OP showed are taken at military parades. And therefore they are not an adequate representation of historical frontline units.

Not all, and some army military units literally looked like those you can see on parades. I just sent those to show a minimum gear that each solder must have

While I agree with you regarding numerous aspects. What I wanted to say, is that frontline units didnt look as perfect as when they were prepared for a parade or shown in illustration. There were naturally slight variations in the way they wore their uniforms.

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True and I support that. But the main idea was to give each solder a basic gear maybe with some slight changes, so at least they will have bugs to put ammo

also, ffs the prices shall have a rework.

this times 7/9 its way too expensive for what one get in return.


Very true

download (2)

I agree, this game Can be perfect for the immersion. Juste need littles adjustements like that!

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