Vehicles Of the Next Update

I personally think that this is the most needed vehicles that DF should focus on adding in the next update (well Japan can have more then 1 but if its only 1 vehicle being added this one will be best):

1.Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer:

Well Germany has everything but it will be good at BR III it has something with some armor so Jagdpanzer 38(t) will be good addition.

2.Ki-43-II with 2 x 100 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs:

Well Japan really needs BR I fighter the most that can fix 3 BRs with its introduction its starts in the Air and will have 2 bombs. So from BR I to BR III this vehicle will be useful. It will be the most needed stopgap while more fighters are introduced.


Well USSR really struggles at BR V with this super long reload on that IS-2 so better add IS-100 it will be really appreciated. That’s really what the soviets need the most.

4.Spitfire F Mk IXc with 1 x 500 LB S.A.P. Mk.II bomb :

Well US don’t have a BR V fighter so this one will be perfect addition to the allies



Yes. More vehicles in a FPS game. Thats what we need. More vehicles.


Sorry but no, no more heavy armour.

We need more vehicles like trucks, cars, HALFTRACKs (M3 Halftrack belongs in USA-UK tree for the 100th time), bulldozers, scout cars, very light armoured cars, etc.

I believe all or most squads should be mechanised. The APC squad can retain mobile rallypoint privilege.

BR I -II should be trucks, BR III-IV halftracks and BR V ‘kangaroos’ (to use the Allied term) being unarmed tank hulls converted to APCs.

Riders from BR II onwards need jeeps, kubelwagens etc. with one 1 machine gun.

Ill support the Spitfire idea because we need more UK tech generally. Mathilda, Cromwell and Valentine tanks for example.


Its a world war 2 game go play counter strike :rofl:


Do you know those angry and frustrated kids that play warthunder?

Yes. They are here. And they want to play with tanks now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well its like Enlisted is made by well you know … :rofl: Welcome to war thunder 2.0

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The Kangaroo is a very specific example, not a universal term

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Jokes on you I’m own of those irritated and frustrated WT’ers and I’m an infantry main!

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Hence why I said “to use the Allied term”???

People know what a kangaroo is (I even explained it). What else am I supposed to call them?

Kangaroo is a lot better to write then ‘Yeah I want Converted Unarmed Tank Hulls For Carrying Infantry to be added to BR 5 of the game as an APC’


You phrased it as if all Allied converted tanks are called that, as if it were a generic term for them all. It’s a very specific term used by the Commonwealth and in particular Canada. It was used for a couple different chassis including Churchill’s, Priest’s, and Stuart’s

The US on the other hand used tank destroyers like the M18 and made the M39 out of it. As well as other projects such as the T13 and T33 both based on the Chaffee which were both canceled projects. These seem to have armored utility vehicle or cargo carrier designations

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Okay here’s a question:

Who cares???

People know what I mean and that’s all that matters. ‘Armoured Utility Vehicle, Kangaroo,
Other Name For Converted Unarmed Tank Hulls For Carrying Infantry’ should be added to the game.

That’s it. It’s not that difficult LOL.

The POINT is that the original poster wants more heavy tanks and aircraft, I argue we should be getting more vehicles, such as trucks, cars and halftracks, instead of any more heavy tanks/aircraft


Personally I think the IS-100 would be better as an event vehicle since it was a prototype

But there are certainly a lot of Soviet SPGs that need adding

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I do. Terminology and designations are near and dear to my heart

The IS-100 will be bad because of the IS 1 body, that is, cardboard. it is better to give t 44 100 /t 54 1945/ is 6/is 3

This is combined arms game so both vehicles and guns are important


yes! the hetzer was my favorite tank destroyer in heroes and generals, I love that stupid trapezoid


I would also like to add my own suggestion for a vehicle that Japan should get, and that would be the Chi-Se heavy tank. I know its a paper prototype tank, just like the Ho-Ri, but Japan is stuck at BR5 now and does not have any heavy tanks with a turret (Don’t make me laugh with the Chi-Ri’s 70mm something of armor at BR5). Such is the world Darkflow has stuck us in.


To explain the Chi-Se tank as simply as possible, it is a Ho-Ri tank that possesses a turret. It would give Japan something more similar to the heavy tanks of other nations.


I want a6m5 for japanese br 3 fighter. It exists in the editor so adding it would not be hard

Also there is this one with dual 40mm cannons. They have low ammo so this could fit for br 2-3. This one also exists in editor and is fully usable


Do you want to give Japan its own atomic bomb too?

Japanese tech tree is broken.

WHY did Japan have to go to BR V. It’s so stupid.

I agree! They have no BR5 assaulter weapons, no BR5 attacker planes, no AT weapons above BR2, no tech tree 10 round semi auto for BR3, like what is up with that? Japan needs all of these things so they can have more parity with every other faction