Vehicle variety is lacking in one very crucial aspect

Classical tankhunters don’t really exist.

Let me clarify.

Usually when I had to pick a vehicle in the past, my thought process has been:

“Do I want a all-rounder tank for this campain?”
Example Panzer IV J

“Or do I want a vehicle that is better at infantry support?”
Example Panzer III N

“Or do I want a vehicle that is lacking in offensive power and gets better armor and survivability in return”?
Example Stug III G

Now one option is usually missing in this list, and that is a vehicle which
“Sacrifices its survivability in return of more firepower”

I am talking about glass canon tankhunters, which with some exceptions and premium tanks don’t exist in the game.

With the introduction of Battle ratings, what you’ll really need for more variety are tanks like the Marder, Jackson, SU 76, Nashorn, Achilles 17 pounder etc etc.

Let me explain why I think these vehicles are needed.

If I wanted to create a balanced Battle rating level, I would follow the same criteria like my examples above,
I would look for a jack of all trades vehicle that fits into a certain time period, than I would look for 3 other vehicles that are comparable but more specialised in a certain role.

Jumbos are better armored but lack fire power, KV1 are better armored but lack firepower (well at least in theory) Panzer III M are better armored but lack firepower.

T28 are great against infantry with its HE, but lack a bit in anti tank power, Panzer IV N are great against infantry but lack in anti tank power.

Jagdpanzer IV are increadibly well protected and have great guns - but lack a lot in anti infantry power.

You see a good BR should have multiple vehicles on the same level but each fill in an own tactical role.

What we need are more vehicles like the Hellcat - paper thin armor, poor anti infantry power, being open top - but having a great gun.

These vehicles should hit into the category:

"My BR is 3, but in the case of me getting upmatched with BR4 then I bring a vehicle that trades many of its abilities for still being able to fight other vehicles at higher Battle Ratings.

No. Hellcat, and M10 are just useless in this game. You can’t flank so there is no point of using any vehicle that sacrifice firepower and armor for mobility. They might be ok in Tunisia, but I doubt these tanks will ever be classed below BR 4.

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they are useless because you have better options, the 76 Sherman is the same vehicle just without the drawbacks.

Dicker max that is one BR lower than a Tiger tanks is smart and would make sense

so would the M36 Jackson be - if it would be one BR lower than a Pershing, same gun but everything else lacks.

Warthunder does it like that, however there is no infantry in warthunder, meaning it would be even easier to balance this out here in Enlisted


they should, if balanced properly they would tank vs tank combat wise perform the same as a generalist tank of the the enemy at one higher BR - while lacking in every other aspect.

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I can see the Waffentragger serie, Sturter Emil, Achiles, M36 Jackson can have some good use here

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The hellcat isn’t useless because it’s a bad tank, it’s useless because there’s no reason to use it over the M4A1/A2. But It’s extremely fast and maneuverable, and with the stabilizer you can now pull off drive by shots at Tigers and Panthers :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

M10, however, is both useless and a bad tank.

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The hellcat has a stabiliser now???

Doesnt have one in warthunder last time i checked

we also need tanketes and half-tracks or troop transports

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Wtf wait it doesn’t

Why does it feel like it does… it’s pretty controllable when on the move.

I’m so confused now

No we don’t.

for other game styles, yes, if you don’t like it, OK, but we need more variety

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We have 2 half tracks, and 2 event half tracks

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but not in all campaings :wink: