USSR Tech Tree Proposal/Inconsistencies

First off, with the new testing, the idea of having both preferred and undesired campaigns is a good direction, however, I believe the execution is a bit flawed. Since there is both “Preferred” and “Undesired” campaigns, any campaign that is not listed as either or (where the nation participates in) should basically have a neutral approach of being able to play on those maps, but will not pull you to them like with “Preferred”.

As an example, say a weapon or a vehicle for the USSR shows this:
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow

In that scenario, that item will have a greater chance of appearing in Berlin maps, but will not be barred from joining Stalingrad maps, like they would be barred from Moscow maps.

With that out of the way, I will allocate what I believe each item on the tech tree should go:


Mosin M1907 Carbine
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad Berlin

Mosin M91 “Dragoon”
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad Berlin

Mosin M91/30 Sniper Rifle
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Mosin M1938 Carbine
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Mosin M44 Carbine
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Mosin M91/30 Rifle
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Mosin Rifle with Diakonov Grenade Thrower
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Winchester 1895
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad Berlin

Mosin M91/30 VPGS
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Sniper SVT-38
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Sniper SVT-40
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Sniper AVS-36
Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad
Neutral: Moscow
Undesired: Berlin

Submachine Guns:

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad
Neutral: Moscow
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow

PPSh-41 (box)
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad Berlin
Neutral: Moscow

Fedorov Avtomat
Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin


Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Machine Guns:

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Anti-tank Weapons:

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Panzerfaust 60
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Panzerfaust 100
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad


Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin


Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad Berlin

Land Vehicles:

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad
Neutral: Moscow
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

T-34 (1941)
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

KV-1 (L-11)
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

T-34-85 (D-5T)
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

IS-2 (1944)
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad


I-153 M-62
Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Hurricane Mk IIB
Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow
Undesired: Stalingrad Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Neutral: Berlin

Preferred: Stalingrad
Neutral: Moscow
Undesired: Berlin

IL-2 (1941)
Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Su-2 (M-82)
Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

IL-2M Type 3
Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Moscow
Neutral: Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Moscow Stalingrad
Undesired: Berlin

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

A-20 Boston MK.3
Preferred: Stalingrad Berlin
Undesired: Moscow

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Preferred: Berlin
Undesired: Moscow Stalingrad

Let me know if there’s anything that should be changed based on historical data, I tried to have both historical dates and balance in mind when doing this.

Why exactly would a rifle grenade launcher be undesired in Berlin?


AVS 36 and AVT40: Undesired Berlin?

You have any idea how good are those weapons?


I’d argue that’s for historical integrity’s sake. The AVS was an early war gun, so theoretically it should stay in the early war

From what I read, both were rendered obsolete in 1942, however, they could add the VKG-40 which was an attempt to revive it in 1944.

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And what the opponent gonna get as counterpart?

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avt 40 was also early war. They stopped making it because it was shit irl

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Why would a Lend Lease weapons be prohibited from fighting in battles that they should be used? Same is with Soviet tommy i can’t play it in Moscow and Stalingrad which is just absurd.

We could overlook HA and still act like they haven’t been destroyed after Moscow, they should be playable in both Moscow, Stalingrad and Berlin as long as german AR will be allowed there.

What do you mean neutral they’ve been used there just as often as in Stalingrad.

AVT-40 is the best Engineer weapon why remove it from Berlin?

I don’t think every faction must have an exact one to one for everything. Obviously there is nothing wrong with adding such guns, I just mean in terms of
“X can’t be in game because we don’t have Y”

Since this game seems to start it’s timeline at 1942, because so far we don’t have Barbarossa, then I think this would be a good choice

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I put it in spots based on years of usage, the number still owned by certain battles, alongside general opinion on the aircraft.

It wasn’t really used after the Winter War, Moscow is the only place it can be used aside from removing it until the Winter War is added in game. The Germans will have weapons that would be able to counter it regardless.

I put “neutral” more so for a balance reason, it could realistically be preferred for all three.

Because they literally stopped making them after the summer of 1943, alongside they prohibited the automatic firing mode due to problems.

Legit the german in Moscow can only use Bolties only and you suggest semiautos and Automatic rifle for the soviet and call it ok?

I don’t understand what you’re saying. That was a recommendation for a German gun

And even then what is the problem with there being semi autos in Moscow, the Soviets used SVTs and AVS

And the germans used everything they can get on their hands, such as captured weapons and Finnish arsenal

What do you mean only bolt actions? Are you somehow assuming that because I proposed this, I think the Germans are correct with how they did them?

The guy up there:

“I don’t think every faction must have an exact one to one for everything”

Then ask why most of the current campaign is one sided

Fedorov, AVS36 and AVT40 are incredibly powerful weapins considering what the german has