Using symbolic link to save Steam version Enlisted's disk usage

Hi Enlisted players, you can use ‘mklink’ command to create a symbolic link of the Enlisted installation folder for the Steam version, saving your PC’s storage. Here is how:

Prerequisites: Using Windows operating system, Enlisted fully installed via gaijin Enlisted launcher.

  1. Open Steam, add Enlisted to Steam Library. Click Install then just Exit Steam.

  2. An Empty folder called ‘Enlisted’ is created in ‘{Your Steam Installation folder}\steamapps\common’, delete the ‘Enlisted’ folder.

  3. Open command line (Win+R, type ‘cmd’, enter), type 'mklink /d “{Your Steam Installation folder}\steamapps\common\Enlisted” “{Your Gaijin Launcher’s root directory}” '.
    (For me, it’s 'mklink /d “C:\_Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Enlisted” “C:\_Games\Enlisted” ')
    Screenshot 2024-07-17 112520

  4. Open Steam, it will begin Validating Enlisted’s game file, wait for it to complete.

  5. Now your Steam version is ‘Installed’! It will not use extra disk storage because it’s just a symbolic link to the existing Enlisted installation directory downloaded by Gaijin launcher.

I really appreciate it if you find this method helpful😊


so do i need microsoft account to access this? currently quite confuse rn

If you are using Windows with Microsoft account login, then yes. And you need a Gaijin account and a Steam account to proceed.

No, you don’t. The only things needed are the Enlisted files and working Steam.

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I guess I did like you said, at least in CMD I got : ( C:\Windows\System32>mklink /d “D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Enlisted” “D:\My Games\Enlisted”
symbolic link created for D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Enlisted <<===>> D:\My Games\Enlisted) , but after entering steam again, I got " downloading" anyway.
On the steam folder, I have the shortcut for gaijin enlisted folder.

EDIT : Fixed - Had to “uninstall” the one that was being “downloaded”, then went to library and choose “install” again, then it started VALIDATING the 47gb from symlink. WORKED

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