Using battlefield weapons

On the battlefield we have tanks, planes and crashed ships why can’t we use their weapons. It would be fun to be able to use weapons found on the battlefield. Imagine using the turret of a crashed bomber to mow down attackers. Or use the deck gun of a ship to kill an enemy tank, or deck gun to shoot down and enemy plane.



Yes please


yea suggest this before people said it would not be very “enlisted” like whatever that mean (even tho we have mg placement and barb wire in map already)


I made a whole post about bringing in large AA cannons and such and I got Shot Down no pun intended… :joy:

I wish we had them! It would be fun! When the Germans defend they have engineers build the cannons and attackers can use them when they take over that section of land/sector. It would be good to see, it would also allow some bombers to maybe have an increased payload for some bombers? (That last part is just an idea).